

Click on the descriptions below to view the document.

  1. General Douglas MacArthur, personal letter (March 9, 1945)

    General HeadQuarters


    Office of the Commander-in-Chief

    9 March 1945

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    I cannot tell you how deeply moved I was to receive a copy of the Resolution passed by the Assembly of the State of California on my birthday.

    I think of all days of a man's life, no matter however humble or however great he may be, that one holds for his the most poignant memories of his entire existence. It is redolent with reverent thoughts of Mother, of Father, and of hone. My connection with California has been of such a nature that I can truly say that that great State falls within the third of these categories. To hear from home in such a way and on such a day fills me with a fullness of gratitude that comes to few men. It will tend to comfort and assist me in future hours of lonely night vigil which always precede moments of momentous tactical decisions on which depend not only countless human lives but on occasions even the life of a nation.

    With deepest and most respectful thanks to the Assembly,

    Faithfully yours,

    Douglas MacArthur

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk,

    California Legislature Assembly, Sacraments 14, California

  2. General George S. Patton, Jr., re: declining invitation (June 27, 1945)

    Green Meadows

    Hamilton, Massachusetts 27 June 1945

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk, California Legislature Sacramento 14, California

    My dear Ohnimus:

    Thank you very much for your letter of June 4th, which, owing to my rapid movements, only reached me today. Naturally I am unable to accept your gen­erous offer.

    Truly yours,


    G. S. PATTON, Jr.
    General, USA

  3. Letter handsigned by Cecil B. deMille, Paramount Pictures, re: screening of 10 Commandments (April 22, 1957)

    Paramount Pictures Corporation

    West Coast Studios

    5451 Marathon Street Hollywood 38, Calif

    22 April 1957

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk


    California State Legislature Sacramento, California

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Thank you for transmitting to me the copy of Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 124, expressing the appreciation of the Legislature for our invitation to attend a special screening of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.

    As I have written Assemblyman Conrad, who introduced the Resolution, I am happy that our law-makers saw and enjoyed our portrayal of the giving of God's Law.


    Cecil B. dehille

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS                                        CBdM/plk

  4. Handwritten note and letter from NASA astronaut Alan B. Shepard (June 7, 1961)





    Telephone: Park 3-3325 TWX:HamptonVA282

    June 7, 1961


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk Assembly

    California Legislature

    3165 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California

    Dear   Mr. Ohnimus:

    Thank you for your congratulations and thoughtfulness. The people of the United States, indeed the entire free world, are very happy and proud because of our successful space flight.

    Project Mercury is planning for more flights in the future. Let us hope that success follows success.


    Allan B Sheppards

                Warmest personal regards and thanks. As convenient, at reconvening, please express my appreciations to the Assembly for Concurrent Resolution No 112.

  5. J. Edgar Hoover, Director, FBI, resolution acknowledgement (March 5, 1946)

    Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, D.C.

    March 5, 1946

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Legislature Assembly

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


    Your letter of February 22, 1946, has been received and I wish to acknowledge receipt of your enclosure, a copy of House Resolution Number 111, adopted by the California Assembly on February 18, 1946.

    Sincerely yours,

    John Edgar Hoover


  6. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (hand-signed) HR 77 (February 7, 1943)


    February 8, 1943

    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Please accept my thanks for your kind­ness in sending to me a copy of House Resolution No. 77 adopted by the Assembly of the State of California. I shall be greatly obliged if you will tell the members of the Assembly how deeply grateful I am for the loyal attitude manifested by them.

    Very sincerely yours,

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk,

    California State Legislature, Assembly Chamber,

    Sacramento, California.

  7. Vice President Harry S. Truman, re: AJR 7 (January 29, 1945)


    January 29, 1945

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Legislature Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:                

                    Thank you very much for you letter of the Fourteenth with the enclosed copy of Assembly Joint Resolution No. 7 which was adopted by the California Legislature on Jan 19, 1945.

              I appreciate having this

    Sincerely yours,

    Harry S. Truman


  8. President Harry S. Truman, re: thank you for the birthday tribute (May 18, 1945)


    May 18, 1945

    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    I shall be obliged if you will convey to the members of the California Assembly my sincerest thanks for their action in passing that resolution in tribute to my birthday, a copy of which you forwarded with your letter of May ninth. The greetings and pledge of full cooperation are especially appreciated.

    Very sincere

    Harry S. Truman

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk,

    Assembly of California, California Legislature, Sacramento 14,


  9. President Harry S. Truman: thank you for birthday resolution (July 21, 1947)



    July 21, 1947


    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    I want to thank you for your kindness in sending me the two illuminated copies of House Resolution No. 178 adopted by the Assembly of the State of California, and referred to in your letter of July fifteenth.

    This action by the members of the Assembly honoring my birthday has moved me very, very deeply, and I shall be obliged if you will convey to each member an expression of my pro­found appreciation. I am especially grateful to them for the confidence which prompted such a generous thought of me.


                                                                            Very sincerely yours,


                                                                            Harry Truman



    Honorable Arthur H. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly,

    California Legislature,

    Sacramento 14,


  10. President Harry S. Truman, re: Inauguration thank you (HR 55) (January 25, 1949)


    January 25, 1949

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Please accept my thanks for your tele­gram of January twenty-first embodying House Resolution No. 55 adopted by the Assembly of the State of California.

    I should like the members of the Assembly to know that I appreciate immeasurably their trib­ute in honor of Inauguration Day. It gives me profound satisfaction to realize that this body of legislators is supporting me with confidence and good will. Such an assurance is a tremendous help in meeting the responsibilities entrusted to me by the American people.

    Very sincerely yours,

                                 Harry Truman

    Honorable Arthur H. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly,

    California Legislature,

    Sacramento 14,


  11. President Harry S. Truman, re: Inauguration (AJR 1) (February 26, 1949)

    THE WHITE HOUSE Washington

    February 26, 1949


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Many thanks for your letter of February eighth. The illuminated copy of Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1 adopted by the California Legislature has also been received and I shall be obliged if you will appropriately express my appreciation to the members of the California Legislature for their friendly action in extend­ing congratulations to me and to the Vice Presi­dent on the Inauguration. I am grateful for this kind gesture.

    Very sincerely yours,

    Harry Truman


    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly,

    California Legislature,

    Sacramento 14,


  12. Arthur H. Samish, re: thank you for Constitution/one of my best friends (June 16, 1943)

    Arthur H. Samish & Associates

    Ninth Floor Kohl Building San Francisco


    June 16, 1943


    Mr. Arthur Ohnimus, Chief Clerk California State Legislature State Capital

    Sacramento, California

    Dear Arthur:

    I have just returned from an extended trip in Mexico, Arizona and way points, and desire at this time to express my thanks and appreciation for the many courtesies extended by your good self.

    It goes without saying that you have been one of the nicest friends I have ever had and I am at your service any time of the day or night so please don't hesitate to communicate with me. You have done a swell job and everyone I contact is highly complimentary of the manner in which you have directed your affairs in the Assembly.

    In order to complete your records, I am enclosing herewith my letter of authorization which is a copy of the one I originally filed in connection with my advocate's card.

    I do hope to see you real soon and thank you personally.


    Sincerely yours,

    Arthur Samish








  13. Arthur H. Samish, personal letter (November 21, 1944)

    Arthur H. Samish & Associates

    Ninth Floor Kohl Building San Francisco

    NOVEMBER 21, 1944.

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus California Legislature Sacramento, California

    Dear Arthur:

    Have just returned from

    Southern California and want to thank you for the copies of the California Constitution which were sent to all of no in this office.

    Several people have commented on this particular issue and feel that it is excellent and certainly timely for those of us who use this information frequently.

    Kindest regards and thanks again.


                    Arthur H. Samish








  14. Arthur H. Samish to Ohnimus, re: book (September 23, 1952)

    Arthur H. Samish & Associates

    Ninth Floor Kohl Building San Francisco


    Telephone Exbrock 2-1390                       


    September 23, 1952

    Mr. Arthur Ohnimous, State Capitol,

    Sacramento, California

    Dear Arthur:

    In view of the coming Presidential Election, I think you will find the enclosed "Book of Presidents" very interesting.

    Kindest personal regards.


    Arthur H. Samish




  15. Arthur H. Samish: personal to Ohnimus (November 15, 1954)

    Arthur H. Samish 400 Montgomery Street San Francisco 4


    Nov. 15, 1954


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus Clerk of the Assembly Sacramento, Calif.

    Dear Arthur:

    Sorry to have missed you when you came by last Saturday. It was exceptionally nice of you to have stopped in, and let us hope that we can get together soon for a real visit.

    All kindest personal regards.


    Arthur H. Samish


    My best to the family






  16. Arthur H. Samish to Ohnimus, re: personal friendship, struggles (March 25, 1958)

    Arthur H. Samish 400 Montgomery Street San Francisco 4

    MARCH 25, 1955.

    Mr. Arthur H. Ohnimus, California Assembly, 3196 State Capitol,

    Sacramento, California.

    Dear Arthur:

    It's good in be home again. It's even better to be able to renew a friendship which was so sadly disrupted some months ago.

    One of the nicest feelings of all is the knowledge that you remained loyal while I was away. My deepest appreciation to you for your "welcome home” message.

    Life doesn't stand still. It didn't for you, I am sure. Perhaps it didn't stand still for me either, even though it seemed that it did. Of course it will take a little time for me to get my thoughts in order and determine exactly what I want to do in the weeks and months to come.

    In the meantime I am looking forward to the time when

    I can greet you in person and grasp your hand in

    affectionate regard. That day will truly be a wonderful one.

    My health is excellent; my spirits have never been more exuberant; my ambition is unbounded; and my affection for you has never been warmer.

    Again my thanks to you, my friend, for having stood by so steadfastly in the face of adversity. .


    Most sincerely,

                                 Arthur H. Samish





  17. Arthur H. Samish to Ohnimus, re: personal, family (October 28, 1958)

    Arthur H. Samish • 400 Montgomery Street • SAN FRANCISCO 4


    OCTOBER 29, 1958.


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    3196 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California

    My dear Arthur:

    Miss Ready has just shown me the letter she received from you and I was surprised to learn that you have been under the weather for the past month. Hope everything is going along well now.

    There is not too much I can write about now. Have done quite a bit of traveling around California and do not know exactly what my plans will be for the immediate future, but I am hoping I can fly east very soon.

    Things are going along very well for me, but my time seems to be taken up with no many routine details. Merced went up north, as my younger daughter, Jo Anne, is "expecting". Spent a very short summer, at Los Gatos. We did not open the place until late because of the cool weather earlier in the year.

    Drop in any time. If I am not there, I know the office will be most glad to see you.


    Kindest regards.




    Arthur H. Samish




  18. Governor Earl Warren, personal letter and thank you (December 1, 1944)

    State of California

    Governor’s office

    Sacramento 14


    December 1, 1944


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk, Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:                               

                 While I was home during my illness recently, you were kind enough to send me several copies of the “Constitution of the State of California and of the United States and Other Documents.” They will be most useful and your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

    With best wishes, I am



    Earl Warren



  19. Governor Earl Warren, re: thank you for use of Chamber (January 1, 1945)

    State of California

    Governor’s Office

    Sacramento 14



    January 2, 1945


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus


    It is desired to express my appreciation of your cooperation in making available the Assembly Chamber and various committee rooms for the California Water Conference of December 6 and 7, 1945.




                                                          Carl Warren


  20. Governor Earl Warren, re: thank you to Clerk (July 20, 1945)

    State of California

    Governor’s Office

    Sacramento 14

    July 20, 1945


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    I am taking this opportunity to express to you my appreciation for the splendid cooperation which you have extended to me and to office during the session of the Legislature just closed and in connection with the bill-signing period following.

    The assistance of you and your staff has been genuinely appreciated. Particularly would I like to commend the cooperation of Mr. Charles W. Robbins, who went out of his way to assist my office at all times.


    Earl Warren



  21. Earl Warren, Chief Justice, re: personal to Ohnimus, handwritten note (March 30, 1954)

    Supreme Court of the United States
    Washington D.C.


    March 30, 1954


    Dear Arthur:


                            This is the first opportunity I have had to thank you for the message you so thoughtfully sent on my birthday.

    It was wonderful to be back in Sacramento again last week. My only regret was that I could not stay longer

    With my best personal regards.


           Earl Warren

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus Chief Clerk

    California State Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


                It was good to see you if only for a kind moment


  22. Earl Warren, Chief Justice, re: thank you for Handbook, and personal note (June 4, 1955)

    Supreme Court of the United States

    Washington 13 D.C                                                                                           


    Chambers of



    June 4, 1955


    Dear Arthur:

    It was certainly very thoughtful of you to send me this year's California Legislative Handbook. It will help me keep track of my friends in the Capitol. Thank you very much.

    I hope this finds you in good health.

    I imagine life around the Legislature is as hectic as ever at this time of year.

    With my best personal regards. Sincerely,

    Earl Warren

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus Chief Clerk of the Assembly 3196 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California

  23. Earl Warren, Chief Justice, re: personal to Ohnimus, including handwritten note; Warren honored Ohnimus at State Bar convention (October 16, 1963)

    Supreme Court of the United States

    Washington 13 D.C.

    Chamber of


    October 16, 1963


    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk,

    Assembly, California Legislature,

    3165 State Capitol,

    Sacramento 14, California.


    Dear Arthur:


    I have your letter of October 3rd, and appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing me about my remarks at the convention of the State Bar of California.


    I would have been negligent, indeed, if I had not mentioned you amongst those with whom I was associated with in the Govern­ment of California. I recall with much satisfaction our associa­tion during those years, and welcomed the opportunity to pay a just tribute to you.

    With best wishes, I am


                                                                            Earl Warren


    And please pardons the delay crisis after crisis have made me sidetrack my personal correspondence for official business.        

  24. Edmund “Pat” Brown, District Attorney, San Francisco, re: thank you for documents (December 2, 1944)

    Officer of

    District Attorney

    City & County of San Francisco

    550 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco, California


    December 2, 1944

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk

    California Legislature Assembly

    Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Arthur:


    Thank you for the copy of the Constitution of the State of California and Other Documents. I appreciate very much your sending me this book.


                            Kindest regards and beset wishes for the holidays.


                                                                            Sincerely yours

                                                                            Edmund G. Brown

                                                                            District Attorney



  25. Edmund “Pat” Brown, District Attorney, San Francisco, re: thank you for Handbook (April 2, 1945)

    Officer of

    District Attorney

    City & County of San Francisco

    550 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco, California

    April 2, 1945.


    Arthur A. Ohnimus, Esq.,

    Assembly - California Legislature,

    State Capitol,

    Sacramento 14, California.

    Dear Art:

    Thank you for the very useful publication, “California Legislature Handbook” which contains very interesting information. I want to also take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your thoughtfulness on so many occasions by forwarding to me whatever you think will be of interest to this office.


    With kindest personal regards, I am,


                                        Sincerely yours,

                                        Edmund G. Brown

                                        District Attorney



  26. Edmund “Pat” Brown, Attorney General, re: assistance in finding friend a job (Charles Henderson) (December 1, 1952)

    State of California

    Department of Justice

    Office of the Attorney General

    State Building, San Francisco


    December 1, 1952



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Assembly

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Art


    Mr. Charles Henderson, a close, personal friend of mine, desires to enter into state government. I have suggested he try to find employment with the State Legislature in some capacity.


    Mr. Henderson will call you for an appointment and I will appreciate anything you can do for him very, very much.



                                                    Edmund G. Brown

                                                    Attorney General


  27. Edmund “Pat” Brown, Attorney General, re: thank you for publications and personal note, congrats on promotion as CAO of Rules (June 26, 1957)

    State of California

    Department of Justice

    Office of the Attorney General

    State Building, San Francisco

    Henry A. Dietz, Assistant Attorney General


    June 26, 1957


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Legislature

    3196 State Capital

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Arthur:


    Thanks for your kindness in sending me the personalized copy of the Constitution of the State of California and of the United States. I know that it will be an excellent reference book.


    Kindest personal regards.



                                                                            Edmund G. Brown

                                                                            Attorney General



                                                                Dear Ant:

    Congratulations on your promotion in the State Legislations.




  28. Governor “Pat” Brown, re: thank you for birthday wishes and personal notation (April 23, 1962)

    State of California

    Governor’s Office



    April 23, 1962

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus Chief Clerk of the Assembly California Legislature

    3165 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Arthur:

    Your thoughtfulness in remembering me on my birthday is deeply appre­ciated.

    It is extremely nice of you to take the time to write, and I want you to know that I look forward to receiving your felicitations.

    Warmest personal regards.


    EDMUND G. BROWN, Governor

    P.S. You are a fine friend

  29. George C. Marshall, Secretary of State, re: declining invitation to speak to the Joint Convention of the Legislature (on UC letterhead) (March 19, 1948)



    March 19, 1948


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk

    California Legislature Assembly

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


    Greatly honored I appreciate Joint Resolution of the Assembling inviting me to address a Joint Convention of the Legislature during my present visit to California. I am exceedingly sorry that the schedule already arranged for me and the necessity of being in Washington Sunday night next, make it impossible for me to accept this honor.


    I would appreciate very much your conveying to the proper officials of the Legislature my appreciation and regret.


                            Sincerely yours,

                            George O. Marshall

                            Secretary of State



  30. Caspar Weinberger, re: thank you for birthday greetings (August 26, 1964)



    14 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California


    August 26, 1964





    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    1100 N Street

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


    It certainly was nice of you to remember my birthday with such a very nice note.


    I greatly appreciated your many kind comments, and, more than that, I deeply appreciated the opportunity to work with you over the years for California.


    I hope to see you soon again. With kind personal regards,



                                  Sincerely yours,

                                  CASPER W. WEINBERGER




  31. Stanley Mosk, handwritten note (November 21, 1958)

    Stanley Mosk





    Dear friend:


              Many thanks for thoughtful message of congratulations and good wishes. I appreciated hearing from you.


              Edna joins in wishing you well.



                                          Stanley Mosk



    November 21, 1958

  32. Lt. Governor Goodwin Knight, hand-signed thank you for congratulations letter following the election (June 19, 1950)

    Goodwin Knight

    Lieutenant Governor

    604 State Building

    Los Angeles 12, CALIF


    June 19, 1950


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Assembly Chambers

    State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Arthur:

                Thank you very much for your congratulatory letter.

                I am humbly grateful for my wonder friends who gave me such a splendid vote.  I shall continue to work for the best interest of our great State of California.

                With kind regards.


                                                                                                    Goodwin Knight

                                                                                                    Lieutenant Governor


    P.S. Kyle joins me in best wishes!




  33. Governor Goodwin Knight, re: acknowledging thank you on election results and personal note (October 14, 1953)

    State of California

    Governor’s Office

    Sacramento, 14


    October 14, 1953


    Mr. Arthur Ohnimus

    Room 112

    Library and Courts Building Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Arthur:

    Your congratulations on my becoming Governor are deeply appreciated. Your letter is a real support to me.

    I, of course, feel deeply honored by my promotion to the office of Governor, and will do my best to serve the people of California and to justify the confidence of my friends.


    Governor Goodwin Knight


    P.S/ Kyle gets home today – sold his home and here to stay.


  34. Governor Goodwin Knight, hand-signed thank you for Constitution (July 29, 1954)

    State of California

    Governor’s Office



    July 29, 1954


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


                My personal copy of the book containing the Constitution of the State of California, the Constitution of the State of California, and other historical documents, has evidently been in the office for some time, but this is the first opportunity I have had to send you my thanks.


                I am glad to have this up-to-date edition for my library, and I am most appreciative of your kindness in thinking of me.


                                                    Cordially yours,


                                                    Governor Goodwin J. Knight




  35. Vice President Alben W. Barkley, re: acknowledgement (January 28, 1949)

    Office of the Vice President


    January 28, 1949



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    State Capitol

    Sacramento 14 , California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


    This will acknowledge your letter of January 11, also receipt of copy of Assembly Joint Resolution NO.4, which was adopted by the California Legislature on January 10, 1949.


    Thanking you for bringing this matter to my attention, I am


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                    Allen W.  Barkley


  36. Vice President Alben W. Barkley, re: Truman Inauguration (February 5, 1949)

    Office of the Vice President


    February 5, 1949


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Allow me to thank you and through you the House of Representative of the California Legislature for the very gracious resolution adopted by the California Assembly on January 20th in connection with the Inauguration of President Truman and me.

    I deeply appreciate the generous spirit which the resolution displayed and the thoughtfulness of the members in sending it to me. Please express to all of them my gratitude and thanks for their resolution.

    Sincerely yours,

    Allen W. Barkley


  37. Tom Clark, U.S. Attorney General, re: resolution acknowledgement (February 25, 1946)

    Office of the Attorney General

    Washington D.C.

    February 25, 1946

    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    The President of the United State has referred your letter of February 6, 1946, to me for reply.

    I appreciate very much the Joint Resolutions adopted by the California Legislature on January 31 and February 1, 1946.

    With kind regards,

    Sincerely yours,

    Tom Clark

    Attorney General


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    Assembly Chamber, State Capitol

    California Legislature

    Sacramento 12, California

  38. Tom Clark, U.S. Attorney General re: Judge George B. Harris appointment (May 27, 1946)


    May 27, 1946


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


    Thank you for your note of May 21, and accompanying copy of your letter to Senator Sheridan Downey, expressing your opinion of the qualifications of Judge George E. Harris for appointment to the United States District Court of the Northern District of California. Your interest is appreciated and you may be sure that Judge Harris will be given every consideration.

    With kind regards,


    Tom Clark

    Attorney General



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Legislature

    Sacramento 14, California

  39. Tom Clark, U.S. Attorney General, resolution acknowledgement (January 18, 1949)




    January 18, 1949


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                Thank you for the copy of House Resolution No.25, relative to small loan information adopted by the California Assembly on January 11, 1949.

                I greatly appreciate your courtesy in sending me this material

                With kind regards,


                                                                            Tom Clark

                                                                            Attorney General


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    Assembly California Legislature

    State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California

  40. Frank K. Knox, The Secretary of the Navy (February 27, 1943)


    27 February 1943

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Thank you for your letter enclosing Assembly Joint Resolution number 14 as adopted by the Legislature of the State of California on January 31, 1943.

    The Navy has been under the urgent necessity of obtaining the maximum possible production to meet immediate and vital needs. To this and the procurement practice with reference to small production units has been to expand the use of their facilities to the greatest practicable extent. This policy has been and will continue to be followed in recognition of the very great advantages that result both in speed and volume of production

    In order that you may be more fully informed concerning the specific steps taken by the Navy Department to distribute Naval contracts more widely, there is enclosed a condensed report of these activities

    I have further directed that the San Francisco field representative of the Office of Procurement and Material, Commander John J. Haviside, USNR, call on you and discuss with you any points concerning California smaller war plants which you may wish to bring to his attention

    Sincerely yours,

    Frank K. Knox


    Arthur Ohnimus, Esquire Chief Clerk

    California Legislature

    State House

    Sacramento, California

  41. Frank K. Knox, The Secretary of the Navy (February 23, 1944)



    Serial No.66

    S02 15 112                                                                                                        


                                                                                                    23 Feb 1944


    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                I have your letter of 8 February 1944 forwarding the Assembly Joint Resolutions Wos. 2, 4, 14, and 16 adopted by the California Legislature during the Third Extraordinary Session.


                Please be assured that these resolutions will receive full consideration in the Navy Department.


                                                                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                    Frank K. Knox



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk

    California Legislature Assembly,

    Sacramento (14), California

  42. James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy (July 7, 1947)



    7 July 1947

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Thank you for your letter of July 2nd, enclosing a resolution adopted by the California Legislature in which they commend the services of Rear Admiral J. W. Reeves, Jr.

    I have request the Chief of Naval Personnel to make your letter, with the closure, a part of Admiral Reeves’ official record.

    Sincerely yours,




    Arthur A. Ohnimus, Esq.,

    Chief Clerk, California Legislature

    Sacramento 14, California

  43. H. H. Arnold, General of the Army (August 1, 1946)

    Hamilton Field, California

    Office of General H.H. Arnold

    U.S. Army

    1 August 1946


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk


    California State Legislature,

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


          Receipt is acknowledge of copy of House Resolution No. 25, adopted by the Assembly on July 24, 1946, and printed in the Assembly Journal of that date.


                                                        Very truly yours,

                                                          H.H. Arnold

                                                                            General of the Army

  44. Maj. Gen. Edwin Watson, U.S. Army, Secretary to the President (February 22, 1944)

    The White House



                                                                February 2, 1944

    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:

                The President has asked me to acknowledge your letter of February eight, with the enclosed copies of Assembly Joint resolutions Numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 adopted by the Legislature of the State of California as well as House Resolutions Numbers 30, 31, 47, 48, 51 and 57 passed by the Assembly of the State of California. He appreciates you courtesy in sending these Resolutions to him.

                                                                            Very sincerely yours,

                                                                                        Edwin M. Watson
                                                                                        Major General, U.S. Army

                                                                                        Secretary to the President



    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk, Assembly,

    California Legislature,

    Sacramento 14,


  45. Maj. Gen. John B. Wogan, Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C. (May 20, 1943)

    13th Armored Division

    Camp Beale, California


    Office of the

    Commanding General                                                                                    

    May 20, 1943


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk

    California Legislature

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

                In response to your letter of May 18, I acknowledge receipt of Assembly Joint Resolution No. 52 which was adopted by the Legislature on May 4, 1943, covering the sponsorship of the 13th Armored Division of the United States Army by the State of California.

                A copy of this resolution was addressed to mat Camp Beale inclosed in a letter signed by the Governor himself. As I was observing the maneuvers in Louisiana at the time the letter did not reach me until May 9th. I immediately acknowledged receipt of the Governor’s letter and the resolution which I sent air mail special delivery.

                I hope the Governor has received the acknowledgement long before this because I should be chagrined to have the Governor believe me indifferent to this generous gesture on his part.


                                                                            Sincerely yours,


                                                                            John B. Wogan

                                                                            Major General, U.S.A.




  46. Maj. Gen. John B. Wogan, Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C. (May 19, 1945)

    United States Army


    Walter Reed Hospital

    Washington D.C.

    19 May 1945


    Dear Ohnimus:

                Will you please transmit to the members of the Assembly the enclosed expression of thanks for House Resolution 2.19 adopted May 9th.

                Though some over oversight a copy of this resolution was not included with your letter of transmittal. I’d appreciate it very much if at your convenience, you would mail me a copy.



                                                                                        John B. Wogan

                                                                                        Major General

  47. Donald Cleary re: U.N. conference & police passes attached (April 23, 1945)


    DONALD W. CLEARY                                                

    Hotel Senator

    Legislative Representative 

    Sacramento, California 9                                                            


    April 23, 1945

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus Chief Clerk

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California

    I am enclosing two tickets and 2 police passes, for the Fourth Plenary Session of the United Nations Conference on International Organization scheduled to be conducted Friday, April 27 at 3 p.m. in the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco.

    Those in charge of the Confer­ence request that you be seated by 2:30 p.m. if possible. They have informed me that no person not having a police pass will be admitted through the police lines. Confer­ence officials further state that the time and date of the Fourth Plenary Session is subject to change. If any change is made you will be advised.


    Donald W. Cleary


    Enclosure DWC:mw

  48. Police pass UN (1945)



    The Bearer _________________________ is a visitor sad may be admitted to the Conference premises subject to regulations concerning attendance at meetings


    Algen Hies

    Secretary General



  49. Chairman of U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Conference (name not decipherable), re: UN remarks (May 4, 1945)



    San Francisco, California

    May 4, 1945


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus,


    I appreciate your courtesy in sending me the copy of the Assembly Daily Journal containing the text of my remarks at the opening session of the United Nations Conference. Please convey my thanks to Mr. Maloney for his generous thought in his connection.


    Sincerely yours,


    United Status Delegation

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk, California Legislature Assembly

    Sacramento 14, California

  50. Soviet Ambassador to U.N. re: Molotov (May 14, 1945)

    The United Nations Conference

    On International Organization


    May 14, 1945


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    California Legislature Assembly

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Sir:


          Please be advised that your letter of May 10 with enclosure was received after Mr. V. M. Molotov’s departure for the Soviet Union.


                                                                                        Very truly yours,

                                                                                        P. Sliousarenke

                                                                                        Secretary to the Ambassador

  51. United Nations (signature not decipherable), re: resolution acknowledgement (May 23, 1945)

    The United Nations Conference

    On International Organization

    May 23, 1995

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus Chief Clerk

    California Legislature

    Sacramento 19, California

    Dear Sir:

    Thank you for sending me the Assembly Joint Resolution No. 32 which was adopted by the Cali­fornia Legislature on May 12, 1945.

    Sincerely yours,

    Name not decipherable

  52. Card from United Nations dignitary, re: resolution Front Side (written in French) (July 2, 1945)

    The United Nations Conference on International Organization

    The rest of the letter is in French.

  53. Card from United Nations dignitary, re: resolution Back Side (written in French) (July 2, 1945)

    The back side of the French letter. There is also an envelope addressed to


    Arthur Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Legislature


    Sacramento 14


  54. J. Paul-Boncour, Republic of France, re: French delegation (needs translation) (May 30, 1945)



    SAN FRANCISCO, le 30 mai 1945

    Cher Monsieur,

    JE VOUS remeRcie de votre lettre et de Votre aimable invitation. Malheureusement, je compte etre parti de San Francisco dans la semaine du 11 juin, la conference etant finie et devant aller voir mon fils et mes pe­tits enfants au Canada avant de re­tourner en France.

    Si je suis encore ici a cette date, j’envisagerai la possi­bi1ite de ce que vous me demandez et qui me flatte infiniment.

    Trouvez ici l'assurance de mes sentiments lea meilleurs.


    J. Paul-Boncour.


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Sacramento 14,


  55. Donald M. Nelson, Chairman, War Production Board, re: ammunition for farmers to protect crops (February 15, 1944)


    OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN                                      February 15, 1944

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    I want to acknowledge and thank you for your letter of February 8, enclosing copy of House Resolution No. 61, concerning the supply of ammunition for farmers to use in protecting their crops against destruction by waterfowl, and also copy of Assembly Joint Resolution No. 12, relative to the prevention of undue hardship on California industries.

    I appreciate your bringing to my atten­tion the aforementioned action taken by the California Legislature during the Third Extraordinary Session.

    Sincerely yours,

    Donald M. Nelson

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk,

    California Legislature Assembly, Sacramento, California.

  56. Jesse M. MacKnight, Chief, Organizations and Propaganda Analysis Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Special War Policies Unit – War Division, re: requesting committee hearing information re: translation of foreign language newspapers (i.e. enemy propaga

    Department Of Justice

    Washington, D.C.

    June 17, 1943


    The Clerk

    California State Assembly

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Sir:


                I would appreciate your cooperation in obtaining any hearings on legislation recently passed by the California Legislature, concerning the filling of translations of news stories by California newspapers printed in the language of any enemy nation. I noticed in the New York Times of June 15, 1943, that a bill providing for the filing of translations with the district attorney of the county of publication has been approved by Governor Warren. It is stated in the New York Times that at committee hearings on the bill “it was charged that some foreign language papers in the State followed the enemy propaganda ‘line’ even after Pearl Harbor”.

                Your cooperation in making available copies of any hearings on this matter will be appreciated.




                                                                                   Jesse M. MacKnight

                                                                                   Chief, Organizations and Propaganda

                                                                                   Analysis Section

                                                                                  Special War Policies Unit-War Division

  57. Library of Congress, re: publication request (March 11, 1943)

    The Library of Congress                                                                                         Washington

    Reference Department Division of Documents 

    March 11, 1943                                                                                                                                                             



    The Library of Congress is desirous of securing complete
    sets of publications of all legislative bodies meeting in January, 1943.

    We should appreciate the courtesy it you would make arrangements to furnish this Library with the material printed for use of the 1943 California legislature, e.g. governor's messages, rules of procedure, membership lists, committee reports, bills currently issued, law chapters if printed separately, advance sheets of journals, etc.

    We are frequently called upon to supply this class of material to readers, especially to Members of Congress from your own State. It is a service rendered for many years made possible through the friendly cooperation of our friends it state offices.

    For your convenience in sending current legislative documents to the Library of Congress postage free, we are enclosing a supply of properly addressed mailing labels.

                                               Very sincerely yours,

                                               James B. Childs

                                               Chief, Division of Documents



    Hon. Gordon H. Garland

    Speaker of the House

    State Legislature

    Sacramento, California

  58. Governor Culbert Olson (January 21, 1942)

    State of California

    Governor’s Office



    January 21, 1942



    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

                I have for acknowledgment your letter of this date, and a copy of Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30.


                                                                            Yours truly,


                                                                            Culbert Olson

                                                                            Governor of California

  59. Lt. Governor C. C. Young, personal letter re: election (September 6, 1922)

    Office of


    State of California


    September 6, 1922


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    2910 Fulton Street

    San Francisco, California


    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Your letter of August 24 arrived while I was in the southern portion of the State which explains why it has not been answered until now.

    I want, even at this late date, to thank you for your good wishes toward my campaign and for whatever you may have done to bring about nomination.


                                                                            Yours very sincerely,


                                                                                        C.C. Young

  60. Frederick F. Houser, Lt. Governor, personal letter (December 1, 1943)

    Frederick F. Houser

    Lieutenant Governor

    State of California


    Los Angeles 12, California

    December 1, 1943



    Mr. Arthur Ohnimus, Chief Clerk

    California Legislature, Fifty-Fifth Session

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Arthur:

                Thanks very much for your thoughtfulness relative to my illness. Believe me, I’ll be glad to testify any time, any place, that the mumps are no fun!

                Your remembrance, however, helped considerably. I am now rapidly recovering and will be back at the office in a few days.

                Hoping to see you in the near future, I am, with best regards


                                                                                                    Most sincerely,

                                                                                                    Frederick F. Houser

  61. Frederick F. Houser, Lt. Governor, re: congrats on appointment as Assistant Attorney General and personal note (January 13, 1944)

    Frederick F. Houser

    Lieutenant Governor

    State of California


    January 13, 1944


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    550 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco, California

    Dear Arthur:

    Thanks very much for your Christmas card, which Dorothy and I greatly enjoyed receiving. We did not mail any cards of our own this year, but we both wish you as happy a 1944 as is possible under present conditions

    Once again let me congratulate you on your recent appointment as assistant attorney general with offices located in Sacramento. I know that you will be a real asset to the Attorney General’s Office, and I am parti­cularly glad to know that you will be able to continue your duties as Clerk of the Assembly

    With very best regards, I am

    Most sincerely,

    Frederick F. Houser


    P.S. I will look forward to seeing you within the next few days.

  62. Frederick F. Houser, Lt. Governor, re: personal Christmas greetings (December 29, 1945)


    Lieutenant Governor

    State of California

    Los Angeles 12, California


    December 29, 1945


    Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ohnimus

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Bernice and Arthur:


    Dorothy and I deeply appreciate your Christmas greeting. It was very thoughtful. We surely wish you and yours a joyous and successful New Year.

    May the future hold lasting peace and happiness for all the world.

    Hoping to see you soon, and with very best per­sonal regards, I am

    Most sincerely,

    Frederick F. Houser

  63. Robert Kenny, California Attorney General, personal letter re: Judge Matthew Brady (February 24, 1944)


    Legal Department

    State Building

    San Francisco 2

    February 24, 1944



    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Deputy Attorney General

    Library & Courts Building

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


    It was very agreeable to have your commendatory comments regarding the appointment of Judge Matthew Brady as Deputy Attorney General.


    The assignment which he has been given is one which I am sure, with his background and experience, he will handle most efficiently.


    Thank you for your thoughtfulness in writing me.


    With kindest regards,


    Sincerely yours,


    Robert W. Kenny

  64. Archbishop of Chicago, Samuel Alphonsius Cardinal Stritch), re: cardinal elevation (May 13, 1946)

                               May 13th, 1946

    My dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                            Will you thank your speaker pro tempore of the Assembly of the State of California, Mr. Thomas A. Maloney, for his kindness in sending me an illuminated copy of House Resolution No. 149, relative to the elevation of thirty-two prelates of the Catholic Church to the rank of Cardinal. I appreciate deeply his kindness, and I appreciate this act of the California Legislature.


                                                    Sincerely yours in Christ,


                                                    Samuel Alphonsius Cardinal Stritch

                                                    Archbishop of Chicago


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Assembly Chamber, State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, Calif

  65. Chester Bowles, Administrator, Office of Price Administration, re: alfalfa price controls (March 2, 1944)



    March 2 1944


    Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk, California


    Assembly Chamber, State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California         

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    This acknowledges receipt of your letter of February 8, with a copy of House Resolution No. 51 attached.

    Revised Maximum Price Regulation 322, establishing maximum prices for Alfalfa Hay in California and other western states, is being revised and we are hopeful it will be ready for issuance in the near future

    The revised regulation will establish maximum prices on a seasonal basis, which will permit your producers to obtain a premium over the maximum price at cutting time for hay stored for feeding dur­ing the winter months. We believe this will solve your problem.


    Sincerely yours,


    Chester Bowles Administrator

  66. Frank Hennessey, U.S. Attorney, San Francisco, re: meeting “Peter” at Tanforan racing (July 18, 1946)

    Department of Justice


    Northern District of California

    San Francisco

    July 18, 1946.


    Arthur A. Ohnimus, Esq.,

    Chief Clerk, Assembly,

    State Capitol,

    Sacramento, 14, California.

    Dear Arthur:

    I received your note and am very appreciative of your kindness in writing to me.

    I have not seen Peter for quite a while, but will probably meet him when they resume racing at Tanforan.

    With kind personal regards, I remain,


    Very sincerely,

    Frank Hennessey


  67. E. V. Rickenbacker, President and General Manager, Eastern Airlines, re: war effort, declining invitation to speak to Assembly (April 19, 1943)



    Eastern Air Lines Building 10 Rockefeller Plaza

    New York

    April 19, 1943

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus Chief Clerk

    California Legislature Sacramento, California

    My dear Mr. Ohnimus

    I trust you will forgive me for not answering yours of March 16 sooner, but I have been on the go day and night, trying to clean up a lot of "must" problems throughout the country and now I find myself in a posi­tion of being forced to leave the country for a period of eight to ten weeks covering the war effort but this is strictly confidential.

    Naturally, there is nothing I would like more than to take advantage of the invitation of the California Legislature to address a Joint Session of the Assembly and the Senate before leaving, but this is physical impossibility.

    Not being familiar with the length of the sessions of the State Legislature, I am unable to say whether I would be back before it adjourns or not.

    On the other hand, I am not familiar with the fact ES to whether such an honor could be extended to the next session. If this is possible and I am still wanted by the members of the Assembly and the Senate, nothing  would give me greater pleasure.

    I will appreciate you, conveying my sincere appreciation to all members as well as my keen regrets.

                 Sincerely yours

                 E.V. Rickenbacker

                 President and General Manager

  68. Harold Stassen, re: resolution acknowledgement (May 21, 1945)

    Harold E. Stassen

    San Francisco


    May 21, 1945

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk

    California Legislature Assembly Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus

    I am in receipt of Assembly Joint Resolution No. 32 relative to the San Francisco Conference of the United Nations and the World Security Organization.

    Thank you for your constructive suggestions.

    Sincerely yours,

    Harold Stassen


    HES: IGH

  69. Stationery (1963) & Ohnimus Memorial Bookmark

    Image of Ohnimus Bookmark Year: 1963


    The words on the bookmark say: To mark the page you are looking for and to recall the happy chapters I tried to write in your book of life.

  70. VE day journal (May 8, 1945)

    May 8, 1945                                          Assembly Journal    1                                                         


    California Legislature

    Fifty-Sixth Session


    Assembly Daily Journal

    Sixty-Third Legislative Day

    One Hundred Twenty-First Calendar Day


    In Assembly


    Assembly Chamber Sacramento


                                                    Tuesday, May 8, 1945


    The Assembly met at 9:30 a.m.

    Hon. Charles W. Lyon, Speaker of the Assembly, presiding,

    Chief Clerk Arthur A. Ohnimus at the desk.


    Roll Call


    The roll was called and the following answered to their names:


    Allen, Anderson, Beek, Bennett, Berry, Boyd, Brown, Burke, Burkhalter, Burns, Butters Call, Carey, Clarke, Crichton, Crowley, Davis, Debs, Dekker, Denny, Dickey, Dills, Clayton A., Dills, Ralph C., Doyle, Dunn, Emlay, Erwin, Evans, Field, Fletcher, Fourt, Caffney, Gannon, Geddes, Gnthrie, Haggerty, Hawkins, Heisinger, Hollibaugh, Johnson, Kilpatrick, King, Knight, Kraft, Leonard, Lowrey, Lyons, Maloney, Massion, McCollister, McMillian, Middough, Miller, Nicheuse, O’Day, Pelletier, Price, Roberson, Rosenthal, Sherwin, Stewart, Stream, Thomas, Thompson, Thorp, Waters, Watson, Weher, Werdel, Wollenbreg, and Mr. Speaker – 71.

    Quorum present.



    The following prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. Torrance Phelps:


    Almighty God:

                Upon this epoch making day, we lift up our thankful hearts to Thee for Thy Providence which was sustained us during the stress of this soul-shattering war.

                We have heard the voices of President Truman, Winston Churchill, and General Eisenhower, coming across the air, congratulating the armed forces and humanity upon the end of the conflict in Europe.

                We rejoice with the Soldiers whose fighting is ended and with their families, whose anxiety is over; and with the prisoners who are liberated, and with the lands now ride of the Nazi cruelty.

                We now rejoice that the Western World is freed from the menace of a ruthless despotism, and that the torch of the Goddess of Liberty is again lighted to give the light of hope to all humanity.

                Now may we continue the unfinished task, until the Pacific shall be as free as the Atlantic. - AMEN

  71. The El Doradan Newsletter of NSGW re: Ohnimus biography (August, 1927)

    The El Doradan

    Official Organ of El Dorado Parlor No. 52, N.S.G.W

    Vol. II.                         August, 1927                                       No.8



    Arthur A. Ohnimus

     It wouldn’t do for us to go any farther with these little biographies on the parlor's members without including our illustrious brother, Arthur Ohnimus. Arthur happened into our confines the other night and we seized the opportunity of interviewing him.


     He tells us that he was born in this city, down “south is the slot,” and raised in the Western Addition. He attended Hearst Grammar and Sacred Heart College, and also is a graduate of St. Ignatius College, where he studied law and later pass the bar examination. Before taking up the study of law, Arthur had quite a varied experience such as starting out by selling newspaper and later being a clerk in an office. Having a desire for the newspaper profession, we find that he spent quite a few years in reporting for mostly all the papers in San Francisco. It was during the latter part of his newspaper experience that he studied law. He is now an Assistant District Attorney under Matthew Brady. Arthur also enjoys the distinguished position of Chief Clerk of the Assembly of the State of California. This position he has held for quite a few years having started as a minute clerk.


     Brother Ohnimus has always been an active member of the parlor until the past two years, in which he found his outside duties kept him out of town for long periods. He is Past President and has been a delegate to several Grand Parlors. While going through the chairs Arthur brought in a great many new members, some of whom have been some of the parlor’s most active members. He is better remembered by a lot of the boys of a few years ago as being one who could keep the parlor a-buzz with action.


     His hobby, as far as we can judge, is doing favors for friends.


     You may be next!


    Mail your Post Card now.



    Santa Cruz Celebration

    As the Ninth of September draws near, El Dorado Parlor’s plans for the Celebration at Santa Cruz are about complete. All that is necessary to insure the success of the plans as worked out by the committee is the presence of each and every Brother in the Parlor at Santa Cruz. You, as a loyal Native Son, owe it to your state to turn out and celebrate her anniversary. It is a duty not one of us should (blank) (note the word after “should” is not recognizable)

    The parade, as usual, will be the most colorful part of the Celebration. El Dorado Parlor will participate in this parade. The uniform we have selected is neat and inexpensive. It consists of dark pants, white shirt, a straw or Panama hat and a Gold necktie. The neckties will be purchased by the committee and sold to the members at a very small cost. We are having hat bands printed with the name of the Parlor on them. These bands can be pinned over the present one on your straw or Panama hat. We will also carry canes which will be furnished by the Parlor. The very small cost of this uniform leaves you no excuse for not parading. We expect to see you in the line of march. El Dorado Parlor has always been a good showing, let us not fall down this year.


     Immediately following the parade we will meet in the Swiss Hotel where a lunch will be severed. Another article in this issue contains full details about this luncheon.


     Our headquarters will be in the Casino, where we will all meet and join in an evening of dance and entertainment. Seventeen after San Francisco Parlors will also have their headquarters here, so there will be plenty of excitement. Don’t go home after the parade, stay and participate in the fun at the Casino.

     We are enclosing a return postcard asking whether you will be in the parade or not and also whether you will attend the luncheon after the parade. Fill it in now and drop it in mail box. The time is short.

     We will meet in front of the Swiss Hotel at 10 a.m.

    Don't forget to mail Postal.

  72. Fred Links, Dept of Finance re: humorous letter, Bedell’s cocktail lounge, “Senator Beek” (January 13, 1942)

    State of California

    Department of Finance

    Division of Budgets and Accounts


    January 13, 1942


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:

                Yes, one is entirely responsible for everything which is placed over his signature, although it does not signify always that he has read what preceded the signature. If you would only adjourn and go home and not keep us so busy trying to get information for your eighty bosses. We might have a chance to read our correspondence before it is signed       

                Careful investigation reveals that there only forty members in the Senate and last “Senator Joseph A. Euok” is not one of those members. You are right, the drinks are on me, and here is the drink. This card will entitle you to a nice, long, cool drink at Budell’s cocktail lounge, fully paid for, including sales tax. I suggest you wait until you have finished your day’s work before you obtain the drink.

                Bottoms up, with my best wishes to you!

                                                                            Fred W. Links, Chief

                                                                            Division of Budgets Accounts

  73. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (February 2, 1943)

    State of California

    Governor’s Office



    February 2, 1943


    Honorable Arthur H. Ohnimus

    Clerk of Assembly

    Capitol Building

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:

    As you request, I am returning herewith the petition of January 18th signed by 92 legislators recommending you as Judge of the Municipal Court in San Francisco.

    This petition, Arthur, is a wonderful tribute to you, and certainly made a deep impression in this office.

    I hope that the esteem in which you are held by those who know you will be valuable at some future time to give you the honors which you deserve.

                                                                            Sincerely yours,

                                                                            W.T. Sweigert

                                                                            Executive Secretary



  74. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (January 18, 1943)

    Sacramento, California. January l8th, 1943.

    Hon Earl Marren, Governor,

    State Capitol, Calif.

    Sacramento, Calif.

    Dear Governor Warren:-

    The death of Judge Hugh L. Smith of the Municipal Court of the City and County of San Francisco on Saturday January 15th, 1943 leaves a vacancy in that office which will give to the Governor the appointment of a Judge to that Court.

    We the undersigned submit the name of Arthur A. Ohnimus, to the Governor for appointment to the office of Judge of the Municipal Court of the City and County of San Francisco. Arthur A. Ohnimus has occupied the position of Assistant District Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco for the past 20 years; has for over a period of 25 years been identified with the Assembly, being its Chief Clerk for 8 sessions, and having by his uniform courtesy and fairness endeared himself to all tis members.


    17 Legislature signed this petition at the bottom of this letter

  75. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (January 19, 1943)

    Handwritten note written on top of this letter,

    words are not readable and the signature is unreadable as well


    January 19, 1943



    Honorable Governor Earl Warren

    Sacramento, California


    My dear Governors:


    It is my understanding that Mr. Arthur Ohnimus, assistant District Attorney of San Francisco’s name has been placed before you as a possible candidate for Municipal Judgeship for the city and county of San Francisco.


    In much as I have known Mr. Ohnimus for many years and have a full appreciation for his ability as an attorney and as a District Attorney, I hasten to add my recommendation for his appointment.


    I think that you will find that District Attorney, Judge Matthew Brady, will inform you that Mr. Ohnimus is rated as perhaps the most industrious and able men in his office and with a full appreciation that you as our Governor will be most desirous to appoint this type of men, I do trust that you, if you do not know him, will pursue an investigation that will bring about a knowledge of his qualifications. Surely, here is a man that could well serve with real credit to you as governor if you see fit to make this appointment.



                                                                                        Very sincerely yours,

                                                                                        Signature unreadable



  76. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (January 23, 1943)

    Oakland Tribune

    Oakland California

    January 23, 1943


    Walter J. Little

    Hotel Sacramento

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Walter:


    Your letter regarding Arthur Ohnimus arrived 48 hours after the appointment to the vacancy in the Municipal Judgeship had been filled. I understand quite a petition had been circulated in his behalf among the legislators. Kyle Palmer is strong to be disappointed about this. I believe the only real torch he carried was for Arthur. However, looks like a good man got the job which is the important thing. Hope Arthur is not too let down over it.


    Sorry you can’t be with us on the 14th but do have a nice trip south. What in the world are you doing, going down there at such a time? Be careful.


    My best.



  77. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (January 21, 1943)

    Room 274 Sacramento Hotel, Sacramento, California,

    January 21, 1943.

    Hon. Earl Warren,

    Governor of the State of Calif.,

    State Capitol,

    Sacramento, California.

    Dear Governor Warren:

    Your notice has already been called to the hope of friends of Arthur Ohnimus that he be appointed to the vacancy on the Municipal Court in San Francisco. I would like by this letter to join with those who have already written you in his behalf.

    I have known Arthur since 1925 quite intimately and believe he would be a credit to your administration as a Municipal Judge. He knows the people of San Francisco, their characteristics and their desires in so for as their public officials are concerned. His experience as in the District Attorney’s Office and as Chief Clerk of the Assembly for so many years have given him a knowledge of human nature which could not help but be valuable in handing the work of the Municipal Court.


              I am sure he would faithfully, honestly and courageously carry out the duties of that office if you can see your way to clear to appoint him.

    Sincerely yours,

    No signature shown

  78. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (January 21, 1943)

    Room 274 Sacramento Hotel,

    Sacramento, California,

    January 21, 1943




    Mrs. Helen Knowland,

    Of Oakland “Tribune”,

    Oakland, California.



    Dear Helen:


                I mentioned to you some time ago that I hoped Governor Warren would appoint Arthur Ohnimus to the Municipal Court in San Francisco when there was a vacancy. That vacancy now exists and I am writing to call this matter to you.


                There is no doubt in my mind, Helen, that Arthur would make a good Judge. He knows San Francisco and its people as well as anyone that I know of.


                Four years ago he was active in Earl’s campaign for the position of Attorney-General and this time he covered most of the State in Earl’s behalf, and in his quiet way, without claiming a whole lot, did render very effective help.


                I hope you can see your way to recommend him for his appointment.



                                                                                        Sincerely yours,


                                                                                        No Signature shown.


  79. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (January 21, 1943)

    Room 274, Sacramento Hotel

    Sacramento, California,

    January 21, 1943



    Mr. Jared Sullivan,

    Crocker First Natl. Bank,

    Montgomery Street,

    San Francisco, Calif.

    Dear Jared:

    As you know there is a vacancy on the Municipal Court in San Francisco. A large number of my friends, together with myself, are very hopeful that the Governor will appoint Arthur Ohnimus.


    Arthur and Judge Kaufman became active in Earl’s campaign very early; in fact before the issues were drawn or it was definitely known who the candidates would be. He made several trips around California, and in fact, covered most of the State seeing his friends for Earl, and he has many friends because of him many years in the Legislature which has given him an acquaintanceship in practically every section of the State.


    If you are in a position to help him I would appreciate it very much.


                       Sincerely yours,

                       No signature shown.


  80. Numerous letters and a petition (signed by 92 legislators) re: asking Gov. Warren to appoint Ohnimus as SF muni judge (January 19, 1943)

    Copied letter


    January 19, 1943


    My dear Governor:

                            I understand that a number of the Members of the Legislature are going to submit to you the name of Arthur Ohnimus, Chief Clerk of the Assembly, for the position of Municipal Judge in the City and County of San Francisco, and I take pleasure in adding my endorsement to the many you will receive.

                            Arthur has been a very faithful servant and has never let politics interfere with his duties. He is a man of unquestioned character and I am sure would meet with the approval of everyone in San Francisco.

                            Trusting that you will give this your serious consideration, and with kindest regards, I am

                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                    Frank M. Jordan



    Honorable Earl Warren

    Governor of California

    Capitol Building

    Sacramento, California

  81. Louis Lurie (this man is mentioned in first chapter of Artie Samish’s book, “The Secret Boss of California”). Re: show business, Corporal Kyle Palmer (April 15, 1943)

    Louis R. Lurie

    333 Montgomery Street



    April 15, 1943


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Legislature

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California

    Dear Judge:

                 Thanks for your letter of yesterday advising me that you are sending me the 1943 edition of the handbook with my name imprinted in gold. It was good of you to think of me and I am sure that you must have taken care of Corporal Kyle Palmer --- I trust that the gold lettering on his isn’t any heavier than mine. Remember- having been in the show business I occasionally get temperamental. I know you will understand, my dear Judge.

                                                    Best regards.



                                                    Louis Lurie



  82. Former Speaker Walter J. Little, long hand, re: handbook (November 9, 1944). [There are numerous letters from Mr. Little in the collection. We posted this letter and the one below online]

    Walter J. Little


    November 9, 1944


    Dear Arthur:

                I received your letter and the book. It was very kind of you to send it to me and to go to the trouble of having my name engraved thereon.

                I read with great interest your article on the California Legislature. It is splendid and I congratulate you on the first job you did. I don’t know how it could be improved. I wish a supply of the article could be provided to the Agricultural Stations on the States borders and that every person entering the State could be required to pause 30 minutes and read it before being allowed to enter.

                                                                                        Yours, Walter

  83. Former Speaker Walter J. Little, long hand, re: request for photo of Ohnimus; St Helena party in June with Lloyd and Patty Phillips, Earl Desmonds, Dick Littles, Frank Fat, Roy Nielsens (May 18, 1958)

    Transportation Bldg.

    Washington D.C.

    Walter J. Little


    May 18, 1958


    Dear Arthur:

                The book “Anatomy of a Murder” arrived today. I was afraid it had been lost as you mailed it on the 5th. I am sure I will enjoy it and I thank you for this very fine present. Incidentally you haven’t sent me the picture as you agreed to do. I have some others of some of my friends there and want yours.

                Dorothy is writing you and Cookie about a party which is to be held next month at St. Helena. I hope you can be with us. She is also inviting Lloyd and Patty Phillips, Earl Desmonds, Dick Littles, Frank Fats and Roy Nielsens. Maybe you could double up on cars so it wouldn’t be such a burden. On the other hand maybe no one will want to go that far for a party. Would like to see you if you can make it.

                                                                            Yours Walter

  84. Helen Knowland re: Kyle Palmer inquiry about Hiram Johnson vacancy; attempt to reach Billy Knowland in Paris to no avail. (August 7, 1945)

    Oakland Tribune

    Oakland, California

                            August 7, 1945


    Dear Arthur:


                Thanks for your note of July 7 (full month ago.) Have been on month vacation at Lake Tahoe and your letter was held in office for me.


                Kyle phoned from pacific this morning .Wanted to know what was cooking re: Johnson vacancy. Told him we’d like to know ourselves. Tried to phone Billy in Paris but couldn’t get thru. So sent him a wire stating simple fact of HJ’s passing. Imagine Billy will spend few restless nights for he won’t be able to get firsthand information of what is going on.


                Lots of speculation, as you know

                See you soon, I hope.


                Helen Knowland

  85. Helen Knowland re: Billy Knowland, Ohnimus letter to Knowland, excitement. (August 16, 1945)

    Oakland Tribune

    Oakland, California

                                                                August 16, 1945

    Dear Arthur:

                Have your letter to Billy and will keep it for his arrival. Anything forwarded to him now would undoubtedly pass him en route home! Think of it! My, I have been excited and so proud. Can hardly wait to get in contact with him. Imagine the first direct word I’ll hear be when he arrives in the States.

                Thank you for your letter to me, too. I knew you would be pleased.


                            Helen Knowland

  86. Five page letter/analysis from Ohnimus (circa early 1950) regarding burdensome duties placed upon Chief Clerk under new law (AB 5, 1949 session –Collier lobbyist registration law); Page 2

    Page 2 of 5

    they would not be open to public inspection during a session of the House. If placed other than in the Assembly Chamber, then whenever inspection was demanded, the Clerk would be called from its duties in the Assembly Chamber.

    These statements being public records, it must be assumed would be open to the public during regular office hours, necessitating the presence of the Clerk at all times during this inspection of these statements. After adjournment of the Legislature, when he is no longer employed by the Assembly, it is still essential that he be present to see that none of the statements or papers filed are removed, lost, defaced, or altered.

    It is obvious that no one should be required to perform these duties on his own time.

    The penal provision of this statute demands that the Clerk be personally present whenever these records are open to public inspection, for it is his responsibility to see that they are preserved.

    Under Section 9906 of this Act, every person who shall engage himself for pay or for any consideration for the purpose of attempting to influence the passage or defeat of any legislation by the Legislature shall register with the Clerk and give in writing, and under oath, his name and business address, the name and address of the person by whom he is employed, and in whose interest he appears or works, and various other information to be contained in the statement to be filed with the Clerk between the first and tenth day of each calendar month.

    Under Section (b), all information required to be filed

  87. Five page letter/analysis from Ohnimus (circa early 1950) regarding burdensome duties placed upon Chief Clerk under new law (AB 5, 1949 session –Collier lobbyist registration law); Page 3

    Page 3 of 5

    under this Section with the Clerk shall be compiled by the Clerk and Secretary of the Senate acting jointly, and printed in the Journal.

    Again, in view of the penal previsions in this bill, it is obvious that the receiving of those statements and the regis­tration cannot be delegated, but must be personally performed by the Clerk.

    The question recurs where will the Clerk register these persons while the Assembly is in session? If he is called out of the Assembly Chamber to receive these registrations during the session he can devote little time to the Members of the Assembly and to the supervision of the clerical work of the House which is one of his main duties.

    Your clerk arrives at his desk at 8 a.m. and seldom, if ever, completes his day's work before 6 or 6:30 p.m. When late afternoon and night sessions are held, these hours are lengthened. These new duties would so increase the hours necessary to perform the work of this House that it would be physically impossible for him to satisfactorily perform all of the duties imposed by rule and statute.

    In the interim between sessions, these new duties placed upon the Clerk after his employment has terminated in the Assembly, would call upon him to devote many days to the per­formance of these new duties. The inspection of the records by the public would entail his absence from his place of business for a period of time too difficult to foretell.

    Your Chief Clerk remains after the sine die adjournment for

  88. Five page letter/analysis from Ohnimus (circa early 1950) regarding burdensome duties placed upon Chief Clerk under new law (AB 5, 1949 session –Collier lobbyist registration law); Page 4

    a period of time necessary to complete the immediate work of the session and perform such duties as are prescribed by rules and statute.

                It has been his practice to devote more than an hour each day and practically every Saturday to the work of the Assembly after his employment in the Assembly has terminated, without charge or coat to the House.

                A careful study of this bill clearly shows that the proper performance of the duties made necessary by this Act would require a great amount of additional time.

                These questions present themselves:

    1. Under Section 9906, persons registering with the Clerk shall give in writing and under oath the information required by this Section.

    Does the Clerk administer this oath?

    1. If a statement is improperly filed or not filed on time, or subsequent statements are not filed, to whom does the Clerk report such violation?
    2. Is the Clerk called upon to do anything pertaining to the enforcement of the penalty provisions of this Act?

    For this reasons briefly set forth, it is difficult to see how the Clerk of the Assembly could devote more of his personal time to perform the duties prescribed in the Act when he is not being employed by the Assembly.

    The incumbent has been your Chief Clerk for 23 years, and while thoroughly enjoying the work of the Legislature and more than willing to donate whatever part of his spare time that may be necessary to assist the Members in the performance of their duties and to attend to the work of his House, he nevertheless

  89. Five page letter/analysis from Ohnimus (circa early 1950) regarding burdensome duties placed upon Chief Clerk under new law (AB 5, 1949 session –Collier lobbyist registration law); Page 5

    Page 5 of 5

    feels that these new duties imposed upon him by this Act would be of much magnitude that he could not devote the necessary time to them and that he should not be expected to do so.

    May it be suggested that the duties imposed by this Act be placed with some other officer of State Government who maintains a full-time office in order that registration may be made during regular office hours and that the records prescribed to be kept may be open to public inspection during those office house.

  90. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 1

    September 12, 1958

    To: Assembly Committee on Rules

    From: Arthur A. Ohnimus


    The Necessity for a Permanent Organization


    About a year ago this Committee, acceding to the persistent demand for a better organization of Assembly employees, provided the structure for what could become a permanent organization. The increase in the State’s population is one factor which compelled this section.

    Recent State Chamber of Commerce figures reveal that between 1950 and July 1, 1958, the State’s population has increased by an average of over half a million a year—to an estimated 14,752,000.

    As the population of the State has increased, so have the problems and the work of the Legislature. With these problems and increased responsibilities has come an insistent demand for a permanent legislative organization.

    In 1946, the people adopted a constitutional amendment providing for annual sessions of the Legislature. The adoption of this amendment made it necessary to provide additional stenographic and clerical aid to the members in order to meet the increased demands of their constituents and the public.

    It was believed that annual sessions would be a means of reducing the number of bills introduced at each session. This has not proved to be the same. The work and the cost of each session is materially affected by this steady increase in the number of bills introduced. A steady increase in cost is reflected in the printing of legislative bills and publications, in the additional number of employees necessary to process the bills and to perform other legislative services and in the greater facilities required for housing the members and the staff of legislative employees.

    Page 1 of 10

  91. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 2

    Page 2 of 10

    The following compilation illustrates the constant increase in the number of measures introduced at each session:

    Measures Introduced, Including House Resolutions

                                                                1951    1953    1955    1957                                 

                                        Assembly….    3,949   3,995   4,373   4,867

                                        Senate……..    2,235   3,372   2,374   3,125

                                        Total………    6,184   6,367   6,747   7,992

                The records further show that there were 2,910 more measures introduced in 1957 than were introduced in 1947—an increase of 57 percent during the decade. It is interesting to note that the percentage in volume of measures introduced roughly parallels the percentage of increase in population.

                The ever-increasing volume of bills introduced at each session results in an ever-increasing amount of after-session clerical work and printing. Overlapping special sessions add to the interim workload, and necessitate the employment of additional help to complete the records in a reasonable period of time after sine die adjournment. In recent years, there has been difficulty in completing the after-session work of one session before it becomes necessary to start the preparatory work for the next.

                Final adjournment of the Legislature does not mean that the work of either the Legislature or the session has been completed.

                The constitutional limitation on the length of the session, together with the volume of legislation introduced, requires the reference of many controversial issues to interim committee for further study. These interim committees hold numerous public hearings throughout the State.

  92. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 3

    Page 3 of 10

    There is an ever increasing demand upon the Legislator’s time, brought about by the public’s heightened interest in government, the individual demands for legislative information, and the innumerable problems occasioned by the phenomenal growth in population.

                The duties of the Legislator have now developed into an under-paid full-time job, instead of ending with the adjournment of the session. Without the aid of a permanent organization, it would be difficult for most Legislators to perform their legislative interim duties, except to complete exclusion of their business or employment.

                In response to the legislative request to allow the legislature to properly organize tis help, the people, in 1956, adopted A.C.A No. 9, which removed the limitation placed upon the money which could be used by the Legislature for the hire of tis employees. This section now reads: “The Legislature shall provide for the selection of all officers, employees and attaches of both houses.”

                The adoption of this constitutional amendment permitted the Assembly Rules Committee to establish the present organization; and this Committee, in January of 1957, employed Louis J. Kroeger to define the duties of seven different positions and to propose appropriate salary scales. These positions were: Chief Administrator and Chief Clerk; three Assistants to the Chief Administrator; Minute Clerk, Secretary to the Rules Committee, and Sergeant-at-Arms; Administrative Assistant to the Speaker; Accountant, covering the functions performed for the Assembly (an employee of the State Controller); and Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms in the Rules Committee.

                The Committee adopted the Kroeger survey, and began to regroup and consolidate the various departments of the Assembly. A Chief Administrator was appointed to head the organization and to coordinate the work of the departments.

  93. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 4

    Page 4 of 10

    The demand for the creation of such an organization has been considered for many years, but nothing had been done to further the plan until last year, when the present Rules Committee set up the structure which is now nearly completed, and which is functioning in a satisfactory manner.

    What Has Been Accomplished


    The following is a brief resume of what has been accomplished since the present organization was established and a Chief Administrator appointed.

    One of the first duties imposed upon the Administrator was to make a survey of the stenographic and clerical positions in the Assembly. This study was based principally upon the State Civil Service Law enacted by the Legislature. The survey, which defined the positions, described their duties, and recommended salary ranges for each position, was completed by your Chief Administrator and Eleanor Donoghue, after intensive research and many conferences, in about a month's time.

    The Rules Committee, in delegating this job to its own employees, saved the State or California a very substantial sum of money. The Committee adopted the survey; and, for the first time, the Assembly possessed a complete classification of its stenographic and clerical positions.

    Salaries were based upon the importance of assignments and duties, plus seniority. This Committee recognized the importance of retaining career people, and provided as an added inducement the benefits of sick leave and earned vacations. This was the first time that Assembly em­ployees had been critically given the benefits enjoyed by State employees under the State Civil Service Act

    A subsequent survey of the Sergeant-at-Arms force and all positions

  94. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 5

    Page 5 of 10

    not previously studied was made by your Administrator and Eleanor Donoghue at the direction of the Rules Committee. This second survey also saved the State a substantial sum of money.

                These surveys, plus the Louis J. Kroeger study, provide a complete description, definition and salary range for the Assembly personnel, both during the session and for the interim.

                It is not now intended to give a detailed description of the achievements resulting from the establishment of the present organization. A few examples, however, will illustrate the significance of what has been done. The different departments which were previously operating more or less as separate units, today are working as a consolidated and coordinated force. A stenographic pool, with Mrs. Grace Stail as Supervisor, has been established, and now provides additional secretarial assistance as well as transcribing and robotype duplicating services for the members during interim. The size of the secretarial staff maintained in the pool is dependent upon the amount of work to be done, and can be readily adjusted to meet prevailing conditions.

                The recordings by the staff of the Sergeant-at-Arms provide tape for the reproduction of committee hearings. By using the services of the stenographic pool and the Assembly mechanical equipment, sufficient copies of these proceedings can be made available for public distribution at a minimum cost.

                A Fiscal Officer, James Annand, has been appointed by this Committee to examine and process legislative claims, and to attend to other financial matters. In keeping with the recommendations of the Auditor General, all fiscal transactions in the Assembly could be handled by this officer.

  95. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 6

    Page 6 of 10

                James Dirscoll, one of the Interns, who served as a reading clerk on the Assembly Desk during the recent sessions, is at present assisting the Fiscal officer and performing other interim duties. He will be available for the next session, when experience help will be most welcome.

                At the direction of the Assembly Rules Committee, the 1958 California Blue Book ill show, for the first time since 1924, a complete listing of all Members of the Assembly and the Senate who have served in the California Legislature since 1649.

                Without the services of the Assembly staff, under the direction of a trained and experienced editor, the revising, correcting, and editing of this historical compilation would not have been accomplished.

                Included in the volume of printing since the 1957 Session, copy for which has been prepared by your Administrator and the Assembly administrative interim staff, are the 1958 edition of the Constitution; the revised edition of the “The Legislature of California;” and the booklet entitled, “California Legislature – Assembly.”

                This Committee has authorized the Chief Administrator to perform a number of tasks between now and the opening of the next session which it is believed will greatly assist in reducing legislative costs and expediting, the work of the Assembly. Some recommendations submitted by the new organization, which have been adopted by the Rules Committee,

  96. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 7

    Page 7 of 10

    have already resulted in considerable savings.

    The Financial Side of the Permanent Organization

    In evaluating the Cost of the Assembly's interim operation, it should be remembered that the creation of the present administrative organization was predicted upon the belief that its establishment would furnish the most efficient and economical method of providing the in­creased services needed by tile members and demanded by the public.

    The fast and up-to-date services furnished to the members and the public today cannot be compared to the services rendered in former years. The fact is that, prior to the establishment of the permanent organi­zation, many of the services now rendered simply did not exist. In addition, the present organization, through the utilization of modern equipment, turns out reports, transcripts, letters, and other printed material in quantities and of a quality unheard of in the horse and buggy days

    As a result, any comparison of the cost of the present administration to the case of a previous administration must not only consider the effects of inflation and the 1956 Constitutional Amendment, but the problem of comparing the costs of two completely different types of services.

    Any such comparison of cost is likely to be misleading if not totally inaccurate, for one is immediately confronted with the problem or comparing the super highway against the country road. Though both carry traffic, they are neither constructed and maintained for the same price, nor do they provide the same service.

    Perhaps the difficulties of such a comparison can best illustrated by mentioning a few of the immeasurable and incomparable factors

  97. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 8

    Page 8 of 10

    that enter into the calculation.


                Much of the increased operating cost of the Assembly can be attributed to the effects of inflation, and no comparison of costs can be made without taking this into consideration. The dollar of today bears little more than a physical resemblance to the dollar of yesterday.

                The Department of Finance, in the 1958-1959 Budget, reported that the State’s cost of living had risen by 55% since 1947-1948 fiscal year as a result of higher salaries and wages for its employees and increased cost of services and materials.

    Hidden Expenses

                Prior toe 1957, when A.C.A. No. 9 became effective, many legislative expenses incurred in the interim and during the session where borne agencies other than the two houses of the Legislature. The effect of A.C.A. No. 9 was to place all of these hidden expenses out into the open and into the legislative and Rules Committee budgets. Naturally, this increased the budget, but at the same time it provided a true accounting of legislative expenses; and made it no longer necessary that they be subsidized by other agencies and State departments.

    Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 9

                A.S.A. No. 9 was adapted by the people eat the General Election in November of 1956 by a vote of 2,350,498 to 1,425,127—a majority of 925,271.

                Assemblyman Allen Miller’s argument, printed in the official pamphlet mailed to all the voters, clearly advanced the reason for

  98. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 9

    Page 9 of 10

    the adoption of A.C.A. No.9, leaving no room for anyone to be misled in voting for this proposition.

                Assemblyman Allen Miller’s argument reads in part as follows:


                            “A ‘yes’ vote on this proposition will permit the Legislature to employ such clerical help and staff as it deem necessary to properly and efficiently carry on its legislative duties.


                            In 1924 (Sec. 83a, Art. IV) was amended limiting the expenditures for each house to $300.000 per day, for a regular session, and $800.00 per day for both houses for a special session. This limitation was continued in effect without change for over 30 years, although the volume of work, and the need for personnel to process it has increased many fold.


                            It is not realistic to believe that the legislative branch of our State Government in the fastest growing State in the Union, now handling over 6,000 separate pieces of legislation, could be staffed today for the same dollar outlay that may have been adequate thirty odd years ago; in fact, it cannot and has not been done. Instead, the legislature was compelled by necessity some years ago to find a legal means to make additional expenditures for staffing services by creating a special ‘interim’ committee to act during the session from whose funds these additional amounts could legally be paid. Although held constitutional by our courts, this indirect method has proved to be inefficient and uneconomical and has led to obscure and complicated proceedings that few people understand.


                            The proposed amendment removes this antiquated constitutional restriction and the necessity to use an around about means to obtain adequate help. It puts the Legislature in a position to conduct and report its business affairs in a simple and forthright manner.”


                The adoption of A.C.A. No. 9 forced the Rules Committee to add $45,000 to its pay roll for salaries which had previously been a budgetary item, and paid for from the General Fund.


                Legislation is a big business. The Legislature is the Board of Directors of a two billion dollar corporation which requires the most up-to-date services.

                Each succeeding session has been the public demand increased

  99. “Necessity for a Permanent Organization.” 10-page letter from Ohnimus to Rules Chair Allen Miller (D), arguing for full-time staff due to expanding workload of legislature and population growth; analysis of legislative staffing levels. Page 10

    Page 10 of 10

    services, and in so far as possible, these services have been provided by this Committee. The public’s interest and demand for information has greatly increased the work of the Legislator, and he, in turn, has been compelled to seek greater facilities to accommodate these demands.

                The information here presented is persuasive that the present organization has accomplished what this Committee intended; and, considering the service rendered to the members, the press and the public, at a cost less than could be provided outside the present set-up.

                The question recurs: Would the public, the press, and the members be satisfied with a service less than they are now receiving?

  100. Letter from Ohnimus to Members and former Members of Assembly, thanking them for retirement “vacation fund” gift; thanking Capitol staff. (November 27, 1963)


    1100 N Street
    Sacramento, California


    November 27, 1963


    Dear Members and Former Members of the Assembly:


                I am deeply grateful for the kind letters which were forwarded to me, and for the "token of appreciation" which accompanied the letters.


    It was not until after the letters had been sent out that I heard the first rumor of what was being done for me.


    I greatly appreciate the tribute that you have paid to my years of service in the Assembly, and the kind thought prompting such a tribute.


    Bernice and I shall use the "token” in visiting those parts of this country which we have not heretofore seen, and shall include in our tour the world's Fair in New York nest year.


    Whatever success I may have had as Chief Clerk of the Assembly was due to the devoted, dedicated, and conscientious personnel who worked with me during my years in the Assembly.


    Legislative employees come and go with the years. Persons, too many to mention, assisted in making the operation of the Assembly smooth running. However, I would be remiss if I did not mention those who served in the Assembly for more than 20 years, and con­tributed so much to make work in the Assembly a success and a pleasure: Eleanor Donoghue, a magnificent Copy Editor and a great and outstanding Minute Clerk, Ruth Riley, meticulous in preparing the File and instructing new personnel in their duties; Ethel Brockelbank, a most competent and accurate History Clerk; Grace Stall, Chief Stenographer, performing the difficult task of super­vising the Stenographic Pool in a manner deserving of highest commendation; Christine Trask, competent, able, and helping the newcomers; Irene Anderson, former secretary to the Chief Clerk, and a great secretary; and Tony Beard, amiable, reliable, competent and always helpful.


    I am grateful for the friendship which has been shown to me by the Members of the Legislature, the newspapermen, the legislative advocates, state employees, and by my co-workers.


    It is this friendship which has been given to me which is my finest memory of more than 25 year as an attaché of the Assembly.


    Cordially yours,

    Arthur A. Ohnimus

  101. Netta Scott Holton (daughter of Assembly Member L.D. Scott (R-Fresno, 1915 session) reminiscing over 1915 session, playing in snow in Reno; heard on radio he was retiring. (October 8, 1963) Page 1

    Tuesday Oct. 8

    Dear Arthur

                Late, one night last week, I heard your name mentioned on my radio. You were retiring from something there at the Capitol, but I was half asleep so I didn’t get it all. You were 70 the voice said. Why do they always have to tell the age? I am seventy two but I don’t brag about it. Was it 1912 when I first met you? My father, L.D. Scott, was in the Assembly and you, a dark haired tall, slender boy was running errands around there. Those were the carefree days. And one time I remember especially

  102. Netta Scott Holton (daughter of Assembly Member L.D. Scott (R-Fresno, 1915 session) reminiscing over 1915 session, playing in snow in Reno; heard on radio he was retiring. (October 8, 1963) Page 2

    a crowd of us young people take a train in Sacramento and went to Reno to play in the snow. I still have some of the pictures. Will you stay in Sacramento? Hope this reaches you as I don’t know just how to address it. Just wanted you to know I was glad to hear your name again after such a long time.

    Best wishes

    Netta Scott Holton


    359 North Wilton Place

    CA. 4

  103. Ewing Haas to Ohnimus (February 12, 1964): Minute Clerk deletion as officer/consent calendar in constitution.

    United States Senate

    Committee on Appropriations

    February 12, 1964

    There is a written note here. It is unreadable.

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    1100 N Street – Lewis Apartments

    Sacrament, California

    Dear Arthur:


    I thoroughly enjoyed your good letter, and it brought back many wonderful memories. The Journals and Histories arrived, and I must say the proceedings at the time of the opening of the Assembly were somewhat different from those I remember. They were interesting reading.


    I was interested in Item 41 in the Proclamation. Why was the decision made to delete the Office of Minute Clerk from the list of officers? The consent calendar approach is, of course, used extensively in the Congress. I suppose it will save some time, but, certainty, the members will have to keep well informed of items coins on that calendar. How much notice will they have?


    "The Constitution of the United States of America, Analysis and Interpretation" is presently out of print, but they anticipate that the new volume will be available late in the fall. We have our files flagged so that we will be sure to get one for you.


    I am sending you, for your personal use, the latest copy of the Congressional Directory. I hope it will stir up your interest in the Washington picture sufficiently to convince you you should make a trip back to see us.


    Tom is attending a British-American Parliamentary Conference and will not return until Monday. I know he would want me to send his very best wishes along with wine, and I will show him your good letter when he returns.

    With every good wish,


    Ewing Hass

    Administrative Assistant to

    Senator Thomas H. Kuchel

  104. Georgene Hawe to Ohnimus re: Mr. Hass. (March 2, 1964)

    United States Senate

    Committee on Appropriations

    March 2, 1964


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    1100 N Street

    Sacramento, California

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    Mr. Hass is away from the city this week, and this is just to let you know that your letter to him of the 26th has been received and will be on his desk when he returns next week.

    I know he would want me to send along his kindest regards.

    Sincerely yours,

    Georgene Hawe

    Secretary to Mar. Hass


  105. Stuart Hall letter to Ohnimus letter re: Senator Cobey, Law Revision Cmsn (January 24, 1964)


    Harvard Law School

    Cambridge 38, Massachusetts

    302 Shaw Fall

    University 8-7600                                                       Cambridge 38, Mass.

    Extension 100                                                                   24 January 1964


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    1110 - N Street, Lewis Apartments

    Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Arthur:

    Under separate cover I am forwarding a complimentary copy of Volume 1, No. 1, of the Harvard Journal on Legislation, a new publication of the Harvard Law School, produced by the Harvard Student legislative Research Bureau, of which the undersigned is a member.

    You'll note that one of the articles for the initial issue is by Senator Cobsy, I suggested that he might be contacted to write on article about the problems involved in drafting a new tort liability statute for California. He consented, and what you will read is, I presume, a joint product of his and that of the staff of the California Law Revision Commission.

    Should you care to subscribe, the charge is two dollars per annum for two issues per year; eventually, the Bureau plans four issues per academic year. It is the only publication of its nature I know of that deals exclusively with legislation and legislative drafting

    I hope that someday you might be persuaded to submit an article along these lines, and I have suggested to the President and Editor that the subject of legislative procedure is germane to the subject of legislation—which surely holds if civil procedure is appropriate to the usual law review treatment.

    My best to you and to cookie. I have a light course this semester and a third-year paper to produce by March 13. I expect to be back in California circa June first to get prepared for the bar Exam is August.

    Warmest regards,

           Stuart Hall

  106. Stuart Hall to Ohnimus re: numbering, revision and annotation of the Assembly Rules (March 9, 1964)




    9 March 1964




    Dear Arthur,

    My grateful thanks for the interesting clippings you have sent; you're much too generous with your time.


    The project re rearrangement of the Assembly Rules seems most worthwhile. I have long thought that over the years, with numerous amendments, that they had become disorderly--also that numbering should not include use of “22.5," etc., for example. Someday the Rules ought to be annotated, just as they are in the Massachusetts Senate, House and Joint Rules. It'd be quite a task, but it's been done here.

    Your schedule for the trip East sounds grand. My schedule is as follows: I have final exams the afternoons of May 14 and 15, the morning of May l8 and the afternoon of May 22, which are a Thursday, Friday, Monday and Friday respectively. The first part of the week following the 9th would be preferable.


    My telephone number in Boston is TRowbridge 6-1005 (area code: 617). Please let me know where you are going to be staying here. As I have a car, I can get around with ease.

    Warmest regards,

    Stuart Hall

  107. Ohnimus to unknown person, undated. Re: retirement, vacation. Page 1

    There are only a few cities in Vermont of size: Burlington, with 65,000 and Rutland, 35,000. The capital, Montpelier has only 8,000. It is a state of small villages and towns. Many have a population of 1,000 or less.


                We devoted one entire day to shopping in New York and visited many of the well-known stores, also Cartier’s and Tiffany’s. To my eye the stores are not nearly as attractive as those in San Francisco and Los Angeles. So many of them are in old buildings. The merchandise is not skillfully displayed s in our big cities. The styles are advanced and there is quite a degree of selectivity of merchandise. As you know, Ruth, we pay slightly more out here for the merchandise. I came back with a few souvenirs from New York and a pretty blouse from Boston. Artie bought a coat for me at Saks, so I am looking forward to an opportunity to wear it.


                One of the highlights in New York was the visit to Radio City Music Hall and a performance of the Rockettes. That is something we really enjoyed, Along with the Rockettes we saw the Unsinkable Molly Brown. The scenery and costumes were beautiful. To our way of thinking the picture was saved by the slapstick comedy in it. Otherwise it would have been on the dull side.


                The food in New York is excellent. The prices are high. It is nice to visit New York and all, but I can only take so much of that tempo, and then I long for a smaller quieter place.


                With the early snowfall, perhaps you will be able to have some good skiing in the not too far distant future.


                Thank you for sending the schedule of the operas for Los Angeles. From the situation here at the moment, we do not know when we will be getting away. However, if we do have an opportunity to come south, you will be the first to know.


                Looking forward to hearing from you,



  108. Ohnimus to unknown person, undated. Re: retirement, vacation. Page 2

                In your recent letter you posed a number of questions which I shall try to answer.


                We were not impressed with the World’s Fair and made a quick visit remaining in the Fairground about 1hour.


                We enjoyed our 8-day stay in Boston an our 2-day visit in Vermont. Bosom is an interesting city and there are plenty of places to visit and much to see. Vermont is a very pretty little state tucked away between Massachusetts, New York and New Hampshire. It is really removed from the center of things and it is not easy to find transportation to the “land of the Yankees.”

  109. List of pall bearers at the Louis J. Ohnimus funeral on April 5, 1903 in San Francisco: Mayor Schmitz, Thomas Boyle, TT Williams, Dr. George T. Daniels, Walter Bishop, Alfred Roncoveen; Mike Casey; JB Brooks; Ed Kennedy, Frank H. Powers.

    List of pall bearers at the Louis J. Ohnimus funeral on April 5, 1903 in San Francisco: Mayor Schmitz, Thomas Boyle, TT Williams, Dr. George T. Daniels, Walter Bishop, Alfred Roncoveen; Mike Casey; JB Brooks; Ed Kennedy, Frank H. Powers. (This note was likely handwritten in 1909 by Arthur’s mother, Grace Ohnimus, to let her son Arthur know the details of his father’s funeral, which occurred when Arthur was only 9 years old)

  110. Poem by Ohnimus “The Violet”

    The Violet


    Arthur A. Ohnimus


    Buried low in foliage green

    The sweetest flowers are seldom seen,

    Hidden far from human sight

    They live their simple, perfumed life.

    Rarely seen, even by the prying sunbeam

    They bud alone, in solitude they fade unseen.

  111. Assemblyman Frank Lanterman to Ohnimus re: James Driscoll, Ohnimus retirement (December 17, 1964)

    Assembly California Legislature


    Frank Lanterman

    Member of Assembly, Forty seventh District


    Pasadena, California

    December 17, 1964


    Mr. Arthur

    Lewis Apartments

    11th & N St

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


    Just note to express my appreciation of your birthday remembrance and your wish for a large vote. We got both the birthday and the large vote.


    I can assure you it is not the same old Legislature we both loved -with your wisdom and experience to direct our Ship of State.


    Jim is a good boy and very courteous and cooperative, but I miss your sage comments and advice.





                                                                            Frank Lanterman


  112. Invitation to Tea at the Stanford Home to honor Mrs. Earl Warren and the wives of legislators.

    Honoring Mrs. Earl Warren


    The Wives of the Legislators

    Sacramento Chapter Number Tow, CSEA

    Requests the pleasure of your company

    for Tea

    Saturday afternoon, April the twenty-sixth

    from three until five o’clock

    Stanford Home, Eight hundred N Street


                                                                Please respond

                                                                1536 33rd Street

  113. Letter from Christian Brothers mentor/teacher (February 4, 1916)

    Brothers of the Christian Schools

    Berkeley, California

    Feb 4, 1916

    Dear Arthur,

                I hope the enclosed will be satisfactory and answer the purpose.

                I think you should have some letter or letters from some Judges, members of the Bar, or other influential people. Everything helps to get you started after that you will have to depend on yourself – talent and ability to put you through – but most of all are your steady application to hard study.

                Wishing you success in all your undertakings.

                I am as ever,

                                                    You sincere friend,

                                                    Brother (name signature unreadable)

  114. Letter from Christian Brothers mentor/teacher (August 29, 1917)

    St. Joseph’s Academy

    Peralta Park

                                                    Berkeley Cal.   August 29, 1917


    My Dear Arthur,


                Your letter addressing to me at St.Vincents was forwarded to me here when I have been located for the past year.


                I surely, am pleased to hear of your success and to know that you are ambitious for greater things. Stay with it and you will certainly reach the goal you are striving for. It is pleasant to know that (word unreadable) so young has so much earnestness and determination in his make-up.

                You have by your good showing in your studies helped me also as my name attached to your _____ ______ is now good to help others. Your good mother must be delighted with her boy alas.


                I shall take pleasure in hearing of your triumphs each year and when you graduate and become a land of the law. I hope to be there to extend congratulations in person.


                In the meantime continue to study hard and be good.


                                                                            Sincerely your

                                                                            Brother (name signature not readable)

    N.B My address

  115. Telegram from San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce (E.S. Rigdon) to Arthur Ohnimus re: job offer (March 6, 1920)



    Cambria Cal230PM March 6 1920


    Arthur A. Ohninif





                            E S RIGDON




    Handwritten note at the bottom:


    3/9/20 Regret exceedingly unable to accept your thoughtful off of position.

  116. Letter from George Hume, California Bank (Van Nuys) re: job offer (April 27, 1923)

    Van Nuys Branch

    California Bank

    Capital $2,000,000

    Van Nuys, California

    Head Office

    Los Angeles


    April 27, 1923


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly,

    State Capitol, Sacramento, California


    Dear Ohnimus:


                In the organization of the California Bank, with whom I have just become connected, there are two or three openings in our Escrow Department at either the Home office or in some of the leading branches. I am wondering what your plans are after you finished at the Assembly and whether or not you would consider coming to the Southland and start in with an organization such as ours.


                With your preparation in law, and our experience in the handling of secretarial duties, I believe you could secure for yourself a good place in this institution. There are unlimited opportunities for young men of your energy, and determination to make good.


                I would appreciate a personal confidential letter from you as to your plans and whether or not you would like to have opportunity of meeting our people when you can come down this way, or whether you figure on opening up your own office and establishing yourself in your profession.


                I am saying nothing about this to anyone except to my immediate superior senior officer, for whom I am casting about for the men he needs.

                With kind personal regards, I am


                                                                Cordially yours,

                                                                Geo. E. Hume




  117. Letter from George Hume, California Bank (Van Nuys) re: job offer and Ohnimus’ future (May 5, 1923)

    Van Nuys Branch

    California Bank

    Capital $2,000,000

    Van Nuys, California

    Head Office

    Los Angeles


    May 5, 1923.


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly,

    State Capitol,

    Sacramento, California.


    Dear Friend Ohnimus:


                I have your letter of May 2 and have carefully considered what you say in regard to your plans. I am glad you have such good opportunities ahead of you and I know you will not be long idle as others besides myself have seen you in action and know of your ability.


                I expect to be away the month of July on my vacation and will be in the Sequoia National River. If I were you, I would take hold of first good opportunity that came along that had a good outlook or future. I am not much impressed with devoting my life to political or political jobs. In starting in the banking business, it would be hard to pick up a salary such as you are now receiving, and will possibly receive, in some of the other lines that you have in view.


                I will be glad to have you keep in touch with me as to what develops.


                I hope the closing days of the Session and duties thereafter will not be too heavy. The long days are coming I am sure.


                With kindest personal regards, I am, as ever


                                                    You friend

                                                    George Hume

  118. Letter from E.E. Meyer, President, California Shorthand Reporter’s Association, re: Harold Packer, adoption of resolution honoring Ohnimus (August 25, 1934)

    E.E. Meyer: President

    Court House



    California Shorthand Reporters Association


    Woodland, Cal., August 25, 1934.


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Assistant District Attorney, 333 Kearney Street,

    San Francisco, California.


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    I have been informed that you have never received a copy of the Resolution passed by the California Shorthand Reporters at their convention at Santa Barbara last September.

    This is unfortunate, as it was the desire of the reporters assembled that they show their appreciation of your efforts in their behalf during the last session of the Legislature, and the secretary of the association was instructed to mail you a copy of the said resolution.

    Mr. Harold J. Packer, the secretary of the association was killed in an automobile accident early in this year and at the time of his death I took over the work of the secretary. Mr. Packer had evidently overlooked send­ing you a copy of the resolution.

    MY. Frank L. Hart and I know the importance of the assistance you rendered us, as representatives of the California Shorthand Reporters Association and I can assure you that we feel deeply obligated to you for the courteous treatment you extended to us during the last session Of the Legislature.

    The enclosed is a copy of the Resolution mentioned above, which was adopted unanimously by a large representation of the reporters of the State of California.

    Very truly yours,

    E.E. Meyer

    President, California Shorthand Reporters Assn.


  119. Resolution adopted by California Shorthand Reporters Association honoring Ohnimus, adopted September 1, 1933 in San Diego.


    WHEREAS, there were numerous bills affecting court reporters of the State of California introduced in the Assembly and Senate of the California Legislature at the Fiftieth Session, and


    WHEREAS, through the courteous assistance of Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief clerk of the Assembly, and an assistant district attorney of the City and County of San Francisco, the representatives of the California Shorthand Reporters Association were enabled to keep in close contact with the progress of said bills, and


    WHEREAS, the assistance rendered by the said Arthur A. Ohnimus was of inestimable value to the court reporters of the state of California,


    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the California Shorthand Reporters Association, in Convention assembled at Santa Barbara, on September first, 1933, extend to the said Arthur A. Ohnimus a vote of thanks for the courtesies extended to the President and Secretary of the Association and their representatives during the session of the fiftieth Session of the California Legislature, and be it


    FURTHER RESOLVED, that the secretary of the Calif­ornia Shorthand Reporters Association cause a copy of this resolution to be sent to the said Arthur A. Ohnimus.

  120. Letter from Mark Megladdery, Secretary to Governor Merriam, re: Ohnimus application to become San Francisco judge (August 28, 1935)

    Seal of California                  Frank F. Merriam

    Mark Lee Megladdery, Jr.          Governor

    Private Secretary

    State of California

    Governor’s Office



    August 28, 1935


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Room 219, State Capitol

    Sacramento, California,

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    This will acknowledge your letter of August 26, in which you make application for appointment as Judge of the Municipal Court in San Francisco.

    I shall be glad to call this to the attention of Governor Merriam for his attention when the matter of this appointment is before Him.

    Very truly yours,


    Mark Megladdery

    Private Secretary



  121. Letter from F.C. Clowdsley, District Attorney San Joaquin County, re: Ohnimus leaving office of chief clerk (January 6, 1937)


    District Attorney





    January 6, 1937.


    Arthur Ohnimus, Esq.,

    Deputy District Attorney,

    San Francisco, California


    My dear Arthur:


    A newspaper conveys to me the information that you are no longer Chief Clerk of the Assembly, and I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I for one will deeply regret that the State of California has been deprived of your services.


    In the years I was in the Assembly you were one of the most efficient and courteous officials of the State I have ever came in contact with. I am grateful to you for your many kindnesses to me.


    While I do not know the facts about the change in the Assembly attaches personnel, I for one feel that the Legislature and the State of California will miss your services.


    May I express to you my very warmest regards and best wishes for your welfare and success in whatever endeavor you may b engaged.


    Please be sure and drop in on me if you are ever up this say.


    With warmest regards, I remain


    Most sincerely yours,

    F.C. Clowdsley

    District Attorney.



  122. Letter from Thomas Coakley re: Earl Warren for Attorney General campaign (August 3, 1938)

    Earl Warren

    District Attorney of Alameda County


    Candidate for

    Attorney General of California


    Northern California Headquarters

    1 Montgomery Street, Room 300

    San Francisco, California

    August 3, 1938


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    550 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                Earl Warren tells me that you kindly volunteered to help in his campaign.


                There are many things yet to be done and with which I am sure you could assist us.


                Will you kindly telephone me, Yukon 1057, or stop in at Headquarters and talk it over?


                                                                Sincerely yours,

                                                                     Thomas I. Coakley

    TIC: IM

  123. Glenn Willaman, State Secretary, California Real Estate Association, re: Ohnimus leaving as chief clerk, hoping for return to normalcy (February 4, 1937)

    Picture of California Real Estate Assn. Seal


    California Real Estate Association




    February 4, 1937


    Hon. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    District Attorney’s Office

    San Francisco, California


    Dear Arthur:


                I want you to know that the California Real Estate Association, and especially the undersigned valued and appreciated your services as Chief Clerk during many sessions of the California Assembly.


                Your many kindnesses and courtesies to me will never be forgotten.


                I am sure the tide will turn and things be restored to normalcy during our lifetime.


                With very best wishes,


                            Sincerely your Friend,

                            Glenn D. Williaman, State Secretary

  124. Stan Natcher, Standard Oil Company of California congratulating Ohnimus on return as chief clerk (January 10, 1941)

    Standard Oil Company of California

    Standard Oil Building

    San Francisco, Cal.


    January 10, 1941




    Arthur A. Ohnimus, Esq.

    Assembly Chambers

    State Capital

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


                Congratulations on your election to the office of Chief Clerk of the Assembly for the 1941 Session. It was grand to learn of your return to the Assembly Chambers, and I will be glad to see you behind the old desk, if and when I get up to Sacramento.


                Many thanks, too, for your nice Christmas card. We did not send any this year, but I assure you our Christmas was a most happy one, for the new addition to our family, Stephen Natcher, provided all that one could ask for a happy holiday season.


                I shall look forward to seeing you sometime during the session.


                                                                                        Very sincerely yours,

                                                                                        Stan Natcher




  125. Thomas Cunningham to Ohnimus re: congratulations on election as clerk (January 10, 1941)

    Thomas J. Cunningham

    Attorney At Law

    Los Angeles

    January 10, I941

    Hon. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Art:

    I was more than delighted to learn of your election unanimously as Chief Clerk of the Assembly for the 54th Session of the legislature. You can't keep a good man down, and ever so many of your friends predicted that four years ago. I trust that from now on you will continue in that office as long as you desire , thus benefiting the Assembly and the people of the state of California.

    Wishing you your continued success and with kindest personal regards, I remain


    Very sincerely yours,

    Thomas Cunningham



  126. Justus Craemer, Railroad Commission of California, re: congratulations on election (January 16, 1941)

    Railroad Commission

    Of the

    Stat California

    San Francisco Cal.


    January 16, 1941

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California

    My dear Arthur:

    Thanks for your kind note of January 11.

    President C. C. Baker, Ray L. Riley and I are all glad to see you back in your old spot. We know the job is going to be well done and our best wishes go to you.

    With kind personal regards,

    Yours very sincerely,

    Justus F. Craemer




  127. Assemblyman Don Allen (handwritten) pledging to vote for Ohnimus (November 23, 1942)

    California Legislature



    Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk


    November 23, 1942


    Honorable Don A. Allen

    3867 S. Degnan Blvd.

    Los Angeles, Calif.


    Dear Don:


                The next Session of the Legislature being just about six weeks away, may I call to your attention my candidacy for re-election as Chief Clerk of the Assembly.


                As you may know, I have served as Chief Clerk for eight Sessions and had the pleasure of receiving your vote during the last Session of the Assembly. May I again ask you for your support and vote for Chief Clerk.


                I would greatly appreciate hearing from you on this matter.


                With kindest and best wishes, I am


                                                                            Cordially yours,

                                                                            Arthur A. Ohnimus




    Don Allen written note pledging to vote for Ohnimus:


    I am with you 100% all the way. Will attempt to find up more votes for you.

    Happy Birthday to you.



    Don Allen

  128. Vincent Kennedy congratulating Ohnimus on his appointment as Deputy Attorney General (December 31, 1943)

    California Retailers Association

    Central Tower                                      Subway Terminal Building

    San Francisco                                       Los Angeles,


    Los Angeles


    December 31, 1943


    Dear Arthur:


                When you create a situation where congratulations are in order, you certainly don’t fool and I am happy to extend my best wishes—first, on your big step into the matrimonial and the other, the splendid appointment as Deputy Attorney General.


                Attorney General Kenny is to be congratulated also.


                Kindest regards and best wishes.



                                                                                        Vincent Kennedy



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Deputy Attorney General

    State Building

    San Francisco, California

  129. Matthew Brady, District Attorney of San Francisco, accepting Ohnimus letter of resignation as Assistant D.A. (January 7, 1944)


    January 7, 1944

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Deputy Attorney General

    Sacramento, California


    My dear Arthur:


    At your request I am accepting your resignation as Assistant District Attorney. In doing so, may I take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for the fine service you rendered the office.

    You brought to my deportment honesty, ability, sincerity, loyalty and devotion to your duties. You depart with my goodwill and the affection and friendship of your co-workers.

    I was very happy to learn of your appointment by our outstanding Attorney General, and I shall write to him complimenting him upon your selection as one of his assistants. May good luck always be with you.

    With kindest personal regard, I remain



                                                           Matthew Brady

                                                           District Attorney



  130. State Personnel Board Page 1

    California State Personnel Board


    April 28, 1944



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    c/o Attorney General’s Office

    Library and Courts Building

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus                                                                    Subject: Notice of staff’s tentative

                                                                                                    Classification of your position as:


                                                                                                    Deputy Attorney General,

                                                                                                    $275 (15) 335


                With the extension of the provisions of Article XXIV of the State Constitution to certain employees of the Attorney General, your position was brought under civil service for January 1, 1944.

                The constitution provides that the classification of person blanketed in shall be determined by the Personnel Board. As you know, the classification of your position (and accordingly the civil services rating you will receive) must be based on your duties and responsibilities as of the blanketing in date. From the description of your duties you gave on your classification questionnaire, it is our present belief that your position should be classified as indicated above.

                We are sending this letter to you at this time partly because of the series of examinations for the four grades of Deputy Attorney General which are scheduled to be held shortly. It is our hope that by giving you some indication of our present thought as to the classification of your position, we may be able to relieve possible doubt in your mind as to whether you should or should not file an application to take one of these examinations.

                In this connection, it is our thought that there should be no necessity for your applying for examination in any class of a level equal to or below that indicated above as the staff’s tentative classification of your position.


    Page 1 of 2

  131. State Personnel Board Page 2

    Page 2 of 2

                After you have reviewed the attached specification or tentative definition of the clause indicated above, you may possibly believe that your duties and responsibilities on January 1, 1944, do not come within the scope of that class. If so, please inform us immediately. In doing so, please furnish use with a written statement of your reasons for believing the class is not the correct one.

                As soon as possible we hope to prepare final recommendations for submission to the Personnel Board. Before this is done, however, it is our intention to give you an opportunity to discuss any questions you may have with Mr. Kenneth H. Donelson, who is assisting in the classification work. However, in order that all problems may be taken care of as soon as possible, it is suggested that if you are not in the agreement with the tentative classification, you submit a statement to use in writing, as suggest, without waiting for the date when Mr. Donelson will be available for discussion.

                We earnestly desire to make a proper classification of your position, and to this end ask for your continued cooperation.


                                                                                        Very truly yours,


                                                                                        William K. Smith

                                                                                        Executive Officer

  132. Job description/duties as Deputy AG, April 10, 1944 Page 1


    Deputy Attorney General, Grade 2




                Under direction, in the Attorney General’s Office, to do legal work of average difficulty involved in interpreting and applying federal, state, and local laws, analyzing legislative measures, preparing and presenting cases in court, and writing opinions; to do legal research; and to do other work as required.


    Typical Tasks:


                Studying, interpreting, and applying laws, court decisions, and other legal authorities in the preparation of cases, opinions, and briefs; preparing pleadings and other papers in connection with suits, trails, hearings, and other legal proceedings; assisting in the presentation of cases and independently presenting cases of average difficulty before courts, boards, and commissions; assisting in the analysis and drafting of legislative measures and regulations; assembling and evaluating evidence and assuring and interviewing witness; assisting in special investigations involved in the enforcement of state laws; doing a wide variety of legal research: preparing rough drafts of official opinions and independently writing less difficult opinions; dictating correspondences and requests.


    Minimum Qualifications:


                Active membership in the State Bar of California.


    Education and experience: Education equivalent to graduation from a law school of recognized standing with either (1) three years of full-time experience in the practice of law, including participation and appearance in several contested cases, or (2) three years of full-time experience in the practice of law in the California state service, in the federal service, or in the service of a California city or county, or (3) one year of experience as Deputy Attorney General, Grade 1, in the California state service.


    Knowledge and abilities: Wide knowledge of legal principles and their application; working knowledge of the scope and character of California statutory law and of the provisions of the California Constitution; wide knowledge of legal research methods and ability to perform research; working knowledge of the principals of administrative and constitution law; working knowledge of the conduct of proceedings in trial and appellate courts of California and the United States and before administrative bodies, and of the rules of evidence governing such proceedings; working knowledge of duties and powers of the Attorney General of California; ability to analyze, appraise, and apply legal principles and precedents to legal problems; ability to present statements of fact, law, and argument clearly and logically in written and oral form; ability to analyze and draft statues; ability to handle difficult legal correspondence; ability to use correct English; ability to size up situations and people accurately, to adopt an effective course of action, and to get along well with others; ability to follow oral and written direction.


  133. Job description/duties as Deputy AG, April 10, 1944 Page 2

    Deputy General, Grade 2-2


                Personal characteristics: Integrity, accuracy, initiative, tact, resourcefulness, neatness, good address, good judgment, good health, and freedom from disabling defects.


    Salary Compensation: $279, 290, 305, 320, 335

  134. Ohnimus describing duties as Deputy Attorney General Page 1

    My duties as Deputy Attorney General consist of the following: Conducting hearings and examining witness at such hearings; examining prospective witnesses; preparing reports after such hearings or examination of witnesses containing factual information obtained and recommending what action should be taken by the Attorney General.


    Advising and consulting with District Attorneys in preparation and presentation of evidence in preliminary hearings or in superior court trial of criminal cases.


    Advising peace officers as to gathering of proper evidence and preparation of evidence to be used in trial of criminal cases.


    Assisting district attorneys in presentation of evidence in court both in misdemeanor cases and felony hearings in municipal courts and in trial of criminal cases in superior courts when authorized and instructed by the Attorney General as to do.


    Assisting district attorney when authorized or instructed so to do by the Attorney General when required by public service or directed by the Governor, to repair to any county in the State and assist the district attorney thereof in the discharge of his duties.


    Examining extradition papers and performing each other duties as may be assigned by the Attorney General to any Deputy Attorney General.



  135. Ohnimus describing duties as Deputy Attorney General Page 2

    My duties as Deputy Attorney General consist of the following: To conduct hearings, examining witness for such hearings; examining prospective witnesses; preparing reports containing factual information gather and recommending action to be taken by the Attorney General.



    Advising and consulting with District Attorneys in presentation and trial of criminal cases, and also advising police officers as to gathering of proper evidence and in preparation of evidence for trial.


    Assisting district attorney when authorized or instructed so to do by the Attorney General when required by public service or directed by the Governor, to repair to any county in the State and assist the district attorney thereof in the discharge of his duties.




                Admitted to California Bar in 1923. Chief Clerk of the Assembly, California Legislature from 1923 to 1936; 1941 to date, Assistant District Attorney in San Francisco 1924 to December 1943. Leave of absence was taken from District Attorney’s office to attend sessions of the California Legislature. In District Attorney’s office performed work of advising police department as to proper action to be taken in criminal cases; examining witnesses prior to hearing or trial of criminal cases, conducting a preliminary examinations in municipal court and conducting trial in misdemeanor cases; assisting in some felony cases in superior court.

  136. Ohnimus describing duties as Deputy Attorney Genera Page 4

    Sacramento Address

    Assembly Chamber, State Capitol


    California Legislature




    Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk


    My duties as Deputy Attorney General consist of the following:


    Conducting hearings, examining prospective witnesses, preparing reports containing factual information gathered, and recommending action to be taken by the Attorney General. Advising and consulting with District Attorneys in presentation and trial of criminal cases. Also, advising peace officers as to proper gathering of evidence and preparation of evidence for trial.


    Assisting District Attorneys in presentation of evidence in court, both in preliminary examination and superior court trials.


    Preparing extradition papers.

  137. Ohnimus describing duties as Deputy Attorney General Page 3

    A written note is on this page but it is unreadable.

  138. State job application

    State Job Application

  139. Record of employment for Arthur Ohnimus, 1934-1944 Page 1

    Record of Employment of Arthur A. Ohnimus

    In the Assembly from 1934-1944


    1934 -  Extra Session. Began Sept.12, 1934, Adj. Sept 15, 1934

                Elected Chief Clerk P. 78 A.J. Sept. 12, 1934. P. 130 A.J.

                Sept. 14 - 3 days at $10. $30.00


    P. 131 A.J. Sept. 14, 1934 – 1 day prior to convening and 1 day subsequent to adjournment – 2 days at $10. $20.00.


    1935 – Began January 7, 935 – Adjourned June 16, 1935.


                Jan. 7, 1935, elected Chief Clerk, P. 9 A.J. 1/7/35.

                Jan. 7, 1935, by resolution, payment for Jan. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6-5 days prior to opening of Session at $10 per day, $50.00.


                Retained during Constitution Recess – 36 days at $10. - $360.00


                Reappointed Chief Clerk (resolution) P. 687, commencing march 7, 1935


                Resolution for after session work P. 4964 A.J. June 16, 1935- 31 days at $10. - $350.00


                Jan. 7 to Jan. 25 – 19 days

                March 4 to June 16 – 105 days 124 days at $10. - $1,240.00


    1936 – Began May 25, 1936 – Ended May 26, 1936. (2 days)


                Elected Chief Clerk A.J. May 25, P. 3.


                On pay roll (resolution) P. 9 A.J. May 25, 1936

                2 days at $10. $20.00

  140. Record of employment for Arthur Ohnimus, 1934-1944 Page 2

    1937 – Legislature convened Jan. 4. Resolution No.7, adopted A.J.

                Jan. 4, P.26 – 3 days at $10.00 - $30.00


    1941 -  Convened January 6, 1941 – adjourned for Constitutional Recess January 25.

                Reconvened March 3, 1941 – adjourned sine die June 14, 1941.

                Elected Chief Clerk January 6, 1941. See the following House Resolutions:


                H.R. 15 – January 7, 1941, P. 59

                H.R. 54 – January 24, 1941, P. 510

                H.R. 87 – March 3, 1941, P. 735


                20 days in January at $10.00 per day                            $200.00

                36 “       during Recess “            “    “                               360.00

                103 “   3/3 to 6/14/41 “           “    “                              1,030.00          $1590.00


                From June 15, 1941 to October?          H.R. 267, adopted June 12, 1941, P. 4263.


    1941 – 1942 EXTRA SESSIONS – Convened December 19, 1941. Recessed December 22 to January 12, 1942, and adjourned sine die January 22, 1942.


                Elected Chief Clerk December 19, 1941, A.J. 12/19/41, P.2.

                Salary $0.00 per day – H.R 5, adopted 12/19/41, P.20.


                Retained during Recess (see H.R. 27, A.J. Dec. 21/41, P.93.


                A.J. January 12, 1942, P. 148 – H.R. 46; salary of Chief Clerk

                $10.00 per day.

                H.R. 65, A.J. 1/16/42, P. 288 for after session work.


    1943 – Second Extra Session – Convened January 17, 1942 Adjourned sine die January 18, 1942.


                H.R. No. 5 – adopted Jan. 17/42, P. 20 – salary at $10.00 per day – 2 days at $10.00 - $20.00.


    1943 – Convened January 4 – Adjourned for Recess January 31 – 28 days


                Reconvened March 8 - -                  -         -         -          -        35 “

                Adjourned sine die May 5                -          -         -          -        58

                                                                                                              121 “


                Pre-session work – Commencing Jan. 1-2-3 – 3 days at $10.00 (see H.R. 25, A.J. 1/7/43, P. 145).

                Salary January 6, 1943 – 1 day at $10000.

                Commencing January 7, 1943 – A.J. 1/7/43, F, 147 – Salary at $15.00 per day

  141. Record of employment for Arthur Ohnimus, 1934-1944 Page 3

                H.R. 87 – 1/29/43, P. 571 – employed for Recess.

                H.R. 112 – 3/9/43, P. 768 – Re-employed after Recess at $15.00 per day.

                H.R. 248 – 5/5/43, P. 3353 – after session work – 30 days at $15.00 per day


    1943 – First Extra Session – Convened January 28, 1943

    Adjourned sine die January 30, 1943

                3 days at $10.00 per day - $30.00 (H.R. 6 A.J. Jan. 28/43, P.6.)


    1943 – Second Extra Session – Convened March 20, 1943

    Adjourned sine die March 25, 1943  

                6 days at $10.00 per day - $60.00 (H.R. 6 A.J. 3/20/43, P.7)


    1944 – Third Extra Session – January 27 to January 31 – 5 days at $10.00 per day – Salary resolution H.R. 17, A.J. 1/28/44, P, 39.


    1944 – Fourth Extra Session – June 15 to June 13 – 9 days at $10.00 per day – Salary resolution H.R. 41, A.J. 6/8/44, P, 134.

  142. Fresno County Supervisor Maurice Meeker to Ohnimus re: Deputy A.G., Chief Clerk, new wife, and 80 Assembly Members (January 10, 1944)

    County of Fresno

    Fresno, California


    January 10, 1944


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    District Attorney’s Office

    550 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco, California


    Dear Arthur:


                I read in The Fresno Bee of your appointment as Deputy Attorney General of California and, naturally, I want to convey to you my best wishes for your success and happiness in the new position. I have no doubt that you will be very successful in the Attorney General’s work and you certainly bring to that office a world of experiences which should be helpful.


                I see also that you have recently taken a wife. Seems to me that you are making changes pretty fast. However, having observed your ability with eighty politicians at Sacramento and probably twice that many hangers on and lobbyists, I have not a doubt but that you can hold the position of new husband and new Deputy Attorney General of California at the same time, and capably.


                The new year is not so far advanced but that I can add also my hopes that you two will be very happy in 1944, and the years thereafter.


                                                                                        Very sincerely yours,

                                                                                        Maurice Meeker



  143. Letter from Ohnimus to S.W. MacDonald, re: sending him his old Assistant District Attorney badge (humorous) (October 11, 1944)

    Formerly with the

    District Attorney’s Office

    550 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco


    October 11, 1944


    Mr. S.W. MacDonald

    Assistant Manager Lumber Division

    Director of Industrial Relations

    The Rod River Lumber Company

    Westwood, California


    Dear “Mac”:


                I am sending you today the insignia and badge of an ex assistant district attorney. This badge may be gazed upon with affection by a collector of antiques; also, by one who wore it as an emblem of his right to visit uninterruptedly the City Treasurer’s office twice monthly to collect his remuneration.


                Whenever I felt the urge and itch to publicly and officially display or exhibit the shield, I always allowed my attention to be directed to the first three letters in the first word on the badge. This observation usually quieted my desire and kept me in peace with the rest of the world.


                It will look well in you keening, but as all assistant district attorneys talk too much, if you exhibit it, you will be asked to make a speech, which is a nuisance. You will also be asked to make contributions to everyone, for assistant district attorneys are looked upon as fair prey for all solicitors.


                The badge has a long pin which has no hesitancy in sticking your anatomy in its tenderness part with deep delight if your speech is too long or in the indulgence of any other conduct becoming and assistant to district attorney.


                Bowing to the goblins of superstition the enclosed card with the insertion of a penny, if returned to me with a penny from you, will defeat the black dancing demons who create bad luck.


                With best and kindest wishes,


                                                    Cordially yours,

                                                    Arthur A. Ohnimus



  144. Assemblyman Don Allen handwritten response to Ohnimus letter (humorous) (November 18, 1944)

    California Legislature



    Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk


    Sacramento 14, California

    November 18, 1944


    Honorable Don A. Allen

    3867 South Degnan Boulevard

    Los Angeles, California


    Dear Don:


    With just a matter of fifty days separating us from the next session of the Legislature, may I call to your attention my candidacy for re-election as Chief Clerk of the Assembly.


    During the session you told me not to write to you regarding my candidacy for re-election as Chief Clerk, but in such as I am writing to all of the other members, I did not want to neglect writing to you. Happy Birthday are best sung when we all have official titles, and I sing mine best as Chief Clerk.


    I would be very happy to know that the roll call is correctly started when I come ujp for election, so if you have time, I would like to have that well-known vote and support of the Honorable Don Allen.


    With very best wishes and kindest wishes, I am


                                                                                        Cordially yours,

                                                                                        Arthur A. Ohnimus



    Don Allen Handwritten note at the bottom is unreadable.

  145. Letter of resignation from Ohnimus to Speaker Sam Collins, March 27, 1950.

    March 27, 1951


    Honorable Sam L. Collins

    Speaker of the Assembly

    Assemb1y Chamber

    State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Mr. Speaker:


    Assembly bill No. 5 (Chapter 4, Statutes First Extraordinary Section of 1949), an Act relating to influencing legislation, became effective March 22, 1950.

    This law imposes new duties upon the Chief Clerk of such an exacting, responsible, and time consuming nature, that for the reasons set forth in my statement which was printed in the Assembly Journal of March 8, 1950, I feel it incumbent upon me to tender my resignation.

    For twenty -three years I have been Chief Clerk, and during this long period of time, I have enjoyed the work, the friendship and association with the Members, the Press, and those who have had business with the Legislation.

    It is with sincere regret that I submit my resignation as Chief Clerk of the Assembly, to take effect on Monday, March 27, 1951.


                                                    Respectfully yours,

                                                    Arthur A. Ohnimus


  146. Letter to Rules Chairman Tom Bane re: Ohnimus retirement, extension of service through the summer (June 27, 1963)


    California Legislature

    Arthur A. Ohnimus
    Chief Clerk

    June 27, 1963

    Honorable Tom Base

    Chairman, Assembly Rules Committees

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California

    Dear Mr. Bane.

    When the members of the Rules Committee most graciously remembered the occasion of my birthday, I assumed that each member knew that it was not my intention to seek re-election as Chief Clerk in the 1964 Session. However, as in my conversation with you, it was my desire to complete the work of this session, which would take until the first of October of this year The last day for the Governor to sign bills for the session just adjourned will be July 26th and the bills will not become effective until the 91st day after the 21St day of June adjournment.

    With the Special Session being called for July 8, this will add additional work to be completed within the period of time just mentioned.

    The question of compensation is of no moment to me for the services I will perform, as I want to finish the work of the session. You, Mr. Bane, very kindly suggested that the difference between my re­tirement, subtracted from my present salary, would be compensation, to which no criticism could be offered. I would have no objection to this arrangement. However, I would like it again distinctly understood that I have no desire to make more money from my ser­vices performed after July 1st, I would like to perform the duties of Chief Clerk during the Special Session, and I hope that those services would be of assistance to the Members of the Assembly.

    I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my deep appreciation to each and every member of this committee and to the Members of the Assembly for the many courtesies that I have received at their hands during the many years that I have served as Chief Clerk of this House.

    Cordially yours,



  147. Rules and regulations for inactive State Bar members.

    of the

    Article I. Section 2
    Enrollment as an Inactive Member

    Any member of the State Bar not under suspension, who does not desire to engage in the active practice of the law in this State, may, open written request, be enrolled as an inactive member. No member of the State Bar practicing law in this State, or occupying a position in the employ of or rendering any legal service for an active member, or occupying a position wherein he is called upon to give legal advice or counsel or examine the law or pass upon the legal effect of any act, document or law, shall be enrolled as an inactive member.



  148. State Bar inactive member application, 1964.

    As of January 1, 1964

    The State Bar of California

    601 McAllister Street

    San Francisco, California 94102


    I hereby request that I be enrolled as an INACTIVE member of the State Bar of California in accordance with the provisions of Sections. 6004, 6005 and 6006 of the State Bar Act, it being understood by me that such status is subject to the provisions of Section 6125 of said Act.

    "Section 6004, Every member of the State Bar is an active member until, at his request, he is enrolled as an inactive member.

    "Section 6005, Inactive members are those members who have requested that they be en­rolled as inactive members.

    "Section 6006, Active members who retire from practice shall be enrolled as inactive members at their request . . .                 .

    "Section 6125, No person shall practice law in this State unless he is an active member of the State Bar.”

    Very truly yours






  149. Letter from SF Mayor Angelo Rossi, regarding salary increases for District Attorney’s office, April 15, 1943

    Office of the Mayor

    San Francisco


    April 15, 1943


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    State Assembly

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                I am glad to tell you that the salary increases recommended by the District Attorney for 1943-44 were approved by me in my recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. The Finance Committee of the Board, in reviewing the budget of the District Attorney’s office this week, made no recommendations for reductions in those salaries.

                With kindest personal regards,

                            Yours very truly,

                            Angelo Rossi


  150. Letter from Arthur Ohnimus to Rules Chairman Tom Bane regarding retirement, June 27, 1963.


    California Legislature

    Arthur A. Ohnimus
    Chief Clerk

    June 27, 1963

    Honorable Tom Base

    Chairman, Assembly Rules Committees

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California

    Dear Mr. Bane.

    When the members of the Rules Committee most graciously remembered the occasion of my birthday, I assumed that each member knew that it was not my intention to seek re-election as Chief Clerk in the 1964 Session. However, as in my conversation with you, it was my desire to complete the work of this session, which would take until the first of October of this year The last day for the Governor to sign bills for the session just adjourned will be July 26th and the bills will not become effective until the 91st day after the 21St day of June adjournment.

    With the Special Session being called for July 8, this will add additional work to be completed within the period of time just mentioned.

    The question of compensation is of no moment to me for the services I will perform, as I want to finish the work of the session. You, Mr. Bane, very kindly suggested that the difference between my re­tirement, subtracted from my present salary, would be compensation, to which no criticism could be offered. I would have no objection to this arrangement. However, I would like it again distinctly understood that I have no desire to make more money from my ser­vices performed after July 1st, I would like to perform the duties of Chief Clerk during the Special Session, and I hope that those services would be of assistance to the Members of the Assembly.

    I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my deep appreciation to each and every member of this committee and to the Members of the Assembly for the many courtesies that I have received at their hands during the many years that I have served as Chief Clerk of this House.

    Cordially yours,



  151. Letter from Rules Chairman Tom Bane to Controller Alan Cranston, regarding Ohnimus reaching mandatory retirement age, July 9, 1963

    California Legislature

    Assembly Rules Committee

    Room 3173, State Capitol

    Tom Bane



    July 9, 1963


    Hon. Alan Cranston

    State Controller

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Sir:


    On July 1, 1963, an Assembly employee, Arthur A. Ohnimus, reached  the mandatory retirement age.


    This is to inform you that the Assembly Committee on Rules has temporarily employed Arthur A. Ohnimus as Chief Clerk, effective July 1, 1963 at a salary of $1,510 per month until the end of the present special session.


    Sincerely yours,

    Tom Bane, Chairman




    Cc: State Employee’s Retirement System,

    Attn: William E. Payne

  152. 1963 poem by Assembly Member Charles “Gus” Garrigus, “The Session of ’63, Or Too Little, Too Late,” regarding the 1963 session. Page 1

    The Session of ’63 or Too Little, Too Late

    Flushed with victory for his second term,

    The Governor made known what he would bless.

    He spoke with optimism bold and firm,

    Made known in his inaugural address.

    He said, “Just do your duty to a man

    And give me all I ask for in this plan.

    These tasks all Democrats look forward to

    The good Republicans will help you do.

    Let not your hearts be troubled," said the Gov.

    But Senators weren't listening up above.

    Then, hoping it would rain upon the dry lands,

    Pat took a nice vacation in the Islands.

    The Senate took his program on the jump

    To figure out how much that it could dump.

    The leaders knew whoever set the pace

    Would have a better chance to take his place.


    The Senate frowned upon the plan unfolding

    And said they'd have no part of tax-withholding.

    Then with a skill that only time increases

    They out Fat's program into little pieces.

    How gleefully they swung their fiscal axes

    To kill the bank and corporation taxes.

    A strong man would be struck with fearful chills

    To see them gore his pet consumer bills.

    He had one bill in Ways and Means presented

    Which Finance first opposed and then relented.

    Pat will be lucky from this session's mess

    To get back his inaugural address!


    The greatest tasks that faced our fresh beginners

    Were calories and drinks at lobbyists’ dinners,

    And as the session moved they came to know

    What textbooks teach of government's not so.

    But if they'd known of Tom Bane's great affection

    They would have run much harder for election,

    Mery Dymally wrote bills for every faction,

    To solve all ills by legislative action.

    Poor Rumford spent exhausting days and nights

    Teaching Senators the bill of rights.

    At other times his thoughts were most profunda.

    On getting sit-ins out of the rotunda.

  153. 1963 poem by Assembly Member Charles “Gus” Garrigus, “The Session of ’63, Or Too Little, Too Late,” regarding the 1963 session. Page 2

    Bud Collier gave taxpayers great elation

    With bills to stop free higher education.

    McMillan believes that barbarism's passing

    And hoped at last the State would stop its gassing;

    But he was Gibsonized with soft aggression

    And given work to do next general session.

    Burgner and Waldie worked with zealous stealth

    To help insure their future mental health.

    While Knox was dragging suburbs into cities,

    Lanterman was stalking from committees.

    But give to Eddie Elliott our thanksgiving

    For our retirement geared to cost-of-living.

    Poor Carlos served us well through weal or woe

    And called up Conrad when he had to go.

    While Jesse proved to all of us once more

    His most effective work is on the floor.


    I labored long to load eight-eighty-eight

    And watched one thousand carry off its freight.

    But who shall ask the Senate if its smart

    To sell our school kids forty-million short.

    The very thought of redoing local taxes

    Will make the voters sharpen up their axes.

    Our bills which would have helped the farms and cities

    Were dumped by three-man Senate subcommittees.

    This game would take less time and much less money

    If we would play it straight and not so funny.

    Before we introduce a bill that's good,

    We first could ask the Senate if we should.


    And now we’ll face the voters and their gaff

    For work consultants did upon our staff.

    But here's a cheering thought for everyone;

    This State has always survived what we've done.

    But if a special session keeps us late,

    We'd better look to God to save the State!

    --Charles B. Garrigus

  154. Letter from former Assemblyman and Republican Party Chairman Caspar Weinberger to Ohnimus expressing regret that Ohnimus is retiring, October 15, 1963.



    14 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 4


    October 15, 1963


    Arthur A. Ohnimus, ESQ.

    Chief Clerk

    Assembly California Legislature

    3196 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Arthur:


    I was horrified to read of your retirement as Chief Clerk of the Assembly because, in all honesty, I do not know how we can run the Legislature without you. I certainly agree that you are more than entitled to retirement and a good rest, but I shudder to think of what can happen without your firm hand guiding pro­ceedings.

    In any event, I want you to know how greatly I enjoyed knowing and working with you in that capacity, and I hope very much to have the opportunity to see you many times during your well-earned retirement.


    It should certainly be a source of the great­est gratification to you to look back upon the enormously able and devoted service that you have given the state in that extremely important capacity for to many years.


    I also want you to know how grateful I will always be to you for the fine interest and help you were to me during all of the very enjoyable time I spent in the legislature.

    With kind personal regard and best wishes,


                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                    Caspar W. Weinberger



  155. Letter from Ohnimus to Caspar Weinberger regarding retirement decision and how the Assembly has changed. November 6, 1963. Page 1

    November 6, 1963


    Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger

    14 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco 4, California


    Dear Cap:

                Your very gracious and kind letter of October 15 was awaiting at the apartment when we returned from our vacation.


                It was indeed thoughtful to you to take time from you busy schedule to send me your good wishes upon my retirement as Chief Clerk of the Assembly. Some of the most pleasant years that I spent in the Assembly were during the time that you were a member.

                Great changes have occurred in the Assembly during the past years, both in personnel and procedure. With familiar faces gone from the Legislature and new procedures instituted, one tends to live a little more in the past, perhaps more than he should, and reaching a decision of retirement was not as difficult probably as when the Assembly was, in a sense, one big family.

  156. Letter from State Printer Carroll Smith to Ohnimus commending Ohnimus as a “war horse” of the legislature, September 3, 1929.

    State of California Seal

    State of California

    Department of Finance

    Division of Service and Supply

    Bureau of Printing

    Carrol H. Smith State Printer



    September 6, 1929


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    c/c District Attorney’s Office,

    San Francisco, California


    My dear Arthur:


                My deepest thanks for the beautiful token. Much as I shall always prize it and what it signifies, both as a work of art and the testimonial contained therein, yet your letter, Arthur, coming as it does from an experienced war horse of the Legislature, one who knows only too well what degree of service is exacted, and one, in fact, who knows all there is to know about the legislative grist will – means more.


                I can only say that I am very, very proud to have merited such comment from you, and that I shall always dearly prize your friendship.


                The best of luck and let us all see each other again in 1931.


                                                                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                    Carrol H. Smith

                                                                                                    State Printer.



  157. Letter from Controller Ray Riley to Ohnimus regarding legislative accounting audit, September 23, 1926.

    State of California

    Office of Controller

    SACRAMENTO, California

    September 23rd, 1926.



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clark of the Assembly,

    717 Anza Street,

    San Francisco, California.

    My dear Arthur:

    This will serve to acknowledge receipt of vouchers, etc., covering the final settlement of the various accounts the Forty-Sixth Session of the Legislature (Assembly).

    I wish to commend you upon the very efficient manner in which you conducted the business during the session. It would appear that you made a special effort to keep the expenditures down to a minimum, as in checking our records I find that you made a re- fund out of the amount out aside by the Assembly for the after- session expense.

    Thanking you for your co-operation and assistance in the past, I remain

    Very truly yours,


    BY: Deputy Signature


  158. Letter from Controller Ray Riley to Ohnimus regarding legislative accounting audit, March 29, 1930.

    California Seal

    State of California

    Office of the Controller



    March 29, 1930.


    Hon. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk,

    333 Kearny Street,

    San Francisco, California


    My dear Arthur:


                Just a line to advise that we have completed our departmental audit of the Assembly expenditures covering the 48th session of the legislature and find that all sums advanced by the various resolutions properly accounted for, excepting the resolution setting aside the sum of $500.00 under date of May 14, 1929, covering the “necessary expenses for the disposition of the closing business of the Assembly after adjournment” etc., same paid on Controller’s warrant #28484 dated May 18, 1929, and on this particular account you have filed proper vouchers in the sum of $398.77, making a balance of $101.23 to be covered by the supporting vouchers or cash refund when the final work of this session is closed on your part.


                In closing I want to thank you for your many past favors and also the able manner in which you have conducted the financial matters that have concerned our departments in the past.


                With best personal regards, I am,


                                                                            Very truly yours,

                                                                            Ray L. Riley, Controller

                                                                            By: Deputy Signature here unreadable


  159. Arthur Ohnimus record of Assembly employment Page 1

    California Assembly Stamp




    IN THE ASSEMBLY FROM 1915-1951

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Too final approved Assembly Journal for 1915 at page 94 shows that Arthur Ohnimus, which was a misspelling of my name, was appointed from and including the 11th day of January, 1915 as a committee clerk at $4.00 per day, to January 30, 1915, when the Assembly adjourned for its Constitutional Recess.


    On February 8 and 9, the employment as committee clerk was for 2 days at $4.00 per day (A.J. p. 533), reappointed from and including March 9 as committee clerk as $4.00 per day to May 8, 1915 (A.J. p. 541, 549, 2443).


    During the Special Session of 1916, which started on January 5, 1916, my employment was as a stenographer at $5.00 per day from January 5 to January 11 inclusive.


    In 1917, my employment started so January 11 to January 15 inclusive as s stenographer at $5.00 per. day (A.J.  p. 63)


    On January 15, 1917, I was appointed bookkeeper to the Sergeant-At-Arms at $5.00 per day, being stricken from the roll as a stenographer on that date, and was employed to January 26, when the session adjourned for the Constitutional Recess.


    Reappointed as bookkeeper on February 26, 1917, at $5.00 per day to April 27, 1917.


    In 1915 I was appointed Assistant Minute Clerk from January 9, 1919 to January 24, 1919, at $7.00 per day and by special resolution was employed for 2 days after adjournment as assistant minute c1erk at $7.00 per day. (A.J. April 22, p. 2102)


    In the Special Session of November 1, 1919, I was employed as minute clerk for 1 day at $9.00 per day.


    In 1921 on January 3, I received compensation as Minute Clerk for 1 day at $9.00 (A.J. p. 49)

  160. Arthur Ohnimus record of Assembly employment Page 2


    I was appointed assistant Minute Clerk from and including January 4, 1921 at $7.00 per day (A.J. p. 35), to and including January 24, 1921.

    On February 24, 1921, I was elected Minute Clerk at $9.00 per day (A.J. p. 373) to and including the 29th day of April, 1921, and by special resolution was employed for April 30 and 31, 2 days at $9.00 per day. (A.J. p. 2418)

    1923 - Arthur A. Ohnimus, elected Chief Clerk (A.J. January 8, 1923, p. 5) at $10.00 per day.

    Session convened January 8, 1923, adjourned for Constitutional Recess February 2, 1923. Retained during Constitutional Recess (A.J. February 2, 1923, P. 419)

    Reconvened March 5, 1923. Salary for May 18, (A.J. May 18, p. 2546 $10.00. Employed for 60 days after adjournment at $10.00 per day, p. 2548.

    Adjourned sine die May 15, 1923.


    1925 - Elected Chief Clerk January 5, 1925. (Convened January 5, 1925) Employed four days prior to January 5, 1925 at $10.00 per day. (A.J. January 8, 1925, p. 45


    Adjourned for Constitutional Recess January 24, 1925. Employed during O.R. (A.J. 1/24/25, p. 481) at $10.00 per day. Reconvened February 24, 1925, adjourned sine die April 24, 1925.


    Employed for 70 days after adjournment sine die at $10.00 per day. (A.J. April 24, 1925, p. 2571)


    1926 - Specia1 Session - convened October 22, 1926. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk at $10 .00 per day.


    Employed for October 21, 1926, adjourned sine die October 22, 1926. (A.J. Oct. 22, 1926, p. 15) at. $10.00 per day.


    1927 – Convened January 3, 1927. Elected Chief Clerk Jan. 3, 1927. Employed two days in advance of session, January 1 and 2, 1927 at $10.00 per day (A.J. 1/4/27, P. 43)


    Adjourned for Constitutional Recess January 21, 1927. Employed during Recess at $10.00 per day (A.J. 1/19/27, p. 257)


    Reconvened February 23, 1927. Adjourned sine die April 29, 1927


    Employed for 70 days after adjournment at $10.00 per day. (A.J. April 27, 1927, p. 2429.

  161. Arthur Ohnimus record of Assembly employment Page 3


    1929 – Convened January 7, 1929. Elected Chief Clerk (A.J. 1/7/29 p.9 at $10 per day.


                Employed in advance of Session, 6 days at $10.00 per day (A.J. 1/7/29, p. 24)


                Adjourned for Const. Recess January 19, 1929. Employed during Recess (1.H. 1/18/29, p. 360.


                Employed for 90 days after adjournment at $10.00 per day.


                Adjourned sine die May 14, 1929.

  162. Assemblyman Jack Beaver re: commending Ohnimus and Speaker Brown (April 7, 1960)




    April 7, 1960

    Mr. Arthur Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Arthur:

    Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate all of the wonderful things you have done for the Members and for the people of the State of California in your able management of our House.

    You and Speaker Brown have made a splendid team, and I think no one could handle with such tact, diplomacy, and grace the arduous and trying tasks that befall you.

    Cordial best wishes,

    Jack A. Beaver


  163. Professor Joseph Harris commending Ohnimus for his role in Legislative Internship Program (Assembly Fellows) (May 11, 1959)

    University of California

    May 11, 1959

    The Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus Chief Clerk

    California Assembly

    3165 State Capitol

    Sacrarrnto 14, California

    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

    I appreciate very greatly the honor you have done me in sending a copy of the Handbook of the California Legislature with myname embellished in letters of gold. I showed it with great pride to my class on legislation this morning.

    Let on say, too, that I speak for all of the five participating universities in expressing our great appreciation to you for your interest and help in the California Legislative Internship Program. You have been a tower of strength in this program. You may be interested to learn that we have bad inquiries from a great many other states about it, and I think it quiet likely that it will be widely copied.

    Sincerely yours,

    Joseph P. Harris

    Professor of Political Science


  164. Holiday Cards from Governor Pat Brown Front Side

    Front side of a holiday card which shows a picture of Governor Pat Brown’s family

  165. Holiday Cards from Governor Pat Brown Back Side

    A Bless Christmas


    A Happy and Prosperous New Year


    Governor and Mrs. Edmund G. Brown & Family


    Barbara, John, & Fat Casey; Joseph Kelly; Kathy & Jerry Brown

    Charles Casey, Jr.; Patricia Kelly & Grandpa; Carol & Cynthia Kelly; Joe Kelly, Jr. & Grandma, Kathleen Kelly

  166. Holiday Cards from Governor Pat Brown Front Side

    1959 Governor Pat Brown Holiday Card Picture Front Side

  167. Holiday Cards from Governor Pat Brown inside

    1959 Governor Pat Brown Holiday Card Picture Back Side

  168. Holiday Cards from Governor Pat Brown 1961

    1961 Governor Pat Brown Holiday Card Picture

  169. Holiday Cards from Governor Pat Brown Front

    Front side of the 1963 Governor Pat Brown Holiday Card Picture.

  170. Holiday Cards from Governor Pat Brown Back side

    Inside page of the 1963 Governor Pat Brown Holiday Card and it displays a picture.


  171. Governor Brown re: George Rochester, Superior Court Judge (May 19, 1960)

    Edmund G. Brown                                                                                            California Seal



    State of California

    Governor’s Office



    May 19, 1960

    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    3196 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California


                Dear Arthur:


                Thank you for your letter of May 13 recommending George W. Rochester for appointment to the Superior court of Los Angeles County.


                I am happy to have the benefit of your comments, and you may be sure they will be given consideration in the event of a vacancy.




                Edmund G. Brown, Governor

  172. Governor Brown re: thanks for birthday wishes (May 24, 1961)

    California Seal

    Edmund G. Brown


    State of California

    Governor’s Office





                May 24, 1961


                Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

                Chief Clerk

                Assembly, California Legislatur

                3165 State Capitol

                Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Arthur:


    It constantly amazes me to see how in this buys life people like you always seem to find time for the heartwarming little messages which mean so much.


    Your birthday greeting arrived just at a moment when my spirits needed a little lift, and it was surely appreciated. It is wonderful to have such good, thoughtful friends.



    Edmund G. Brown, Governor

  173. Commending Ohnimus for excellent job (July 31, 1961)

    Edmund G. Brown                                                                                Seal of California



    State of California

    Governor’s Office



                July 31, 1961


    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


    I appreciate the help received from yourself and your staff during this year’s legislative session and especially during the bill signing period.


    I know from my staff that your office was frequently called upon to take care of emergency situations and that you always responded with courtesy and cooperation. It is a difficult task to handle an operation where you are faced with a never ending stream of urgent requests, each one more demanding than the last. You did so, however, and kept everything under control the whole time.


    For this, and particularly for the consideration given to requests from my office, I want to congratulate and thank you for a job well done.


    Kindest personal regards.



    Edmund G. Brown, Governor

  174. Birthday wishes from Governor to Ohnimus (June 5, 1963)

    Seal of California         State of California

    Governor’s Office


    June 5, 1963

    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California

    Dear Arthur:

    Even though you will receive this letter several days after your 70th birthday, nonetheless it is sent to you with my sincere best wishes for everything good in the ensuing year.

    You have earned and rightfully deserve the respect and great admiration shown to you through the years.

    Warmest personal regards.


    EDMUND G. BROWN, Governor

    P.S. Enclosed find newspaper clipping in the event you would like an extra one.

  175. Gov. Brown re: Ohnimus recommendation of Judge William Rosenthal (November 29, 1961)

    California Seal

    State of California

    Governor’s Office




    November 29, 1961


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    3165 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Arthur:


    Thank you for your thoughtful note on Judge William Rosenthal.


    I appreciate it very much.



    Edmund G. Brown, Governor

  176. January 1963 Inaugural Program, Governor Brown Page 1

    A picture of January 1963 Inaugural Program, Governor Brown. Page 1

  177. January 1963 Inaugural Program, Governor Brown Page 2

    This is the second page of the January 1963 Inaugural Program, a picture of Governor Brown on this page.

  178. January 1963 Inaugural Program, Governor Brown Page 3

    Page 3 of the January 1963 Inaugural Program, displayed is a picture of 6 men, names and title is unreadable.

  179. January 1963 Inaugural Program, Governor Brown Page 4

    Page 4 of the January 1963 Inaugural Program, displays a picture of the Program.

  180. January 1963 Inaugural Program, Governor Brown page 5

    Page 5 of the January Inaugural Program, on the left it displays a picture of a man and on the right a list names. The name of man and the list of names are unreadable.

  181. January 1963 Inaugural Program, Governor Brown page 6

    Page 6 of the January Inaugural Program, on the left it displays a picture of a man and on the right a list names. The name of man and the list of names are unreadable.


  182. News clipping regarding Ohnimus’s appointment as Assembly’s first full-time employee

    Ohnimus Is Name Assembly’s Chief Administrator

                The assembly rules committee today appointed Arthur A. Ohnimus to the new position of chief administrative officer of the assembly at a salary of $1,200 a month, beginning in September.

                Assemblyman Allen G. Miller (D) of Los Angeles County, rules Chairman, said the position is needed because of the heavy amount of interim work by legislative committees.

                Ohnimus, the assembly’s veteran chief clerk, in the past has not been employed between legislative sessions but has worked for the attorney general’s office.

                The committee also retained Francis (Tony) Beard, sergeant at arms, for interim work at a salary of $600 a month.

                The committee increased the pay of legislative secretaries from $400 to $420 a month.

  183. Coat made of the old Assembly draperies. Sewn by Nadene Kayser, Arthur Ohnimus’s sister-in-law. (Photo courtesy of State Capitol Museum, California State Parks)

    Picture of a coat made of the old Assembly draperies. Sewn by Nadene Kayser, Arthur Ohnimus’s sister-in-law.

  184. Rules Chairman Thomas Erwin regarding Ohnimus presentation at Legislative Orientation Conference (March 9, 1956)

    California Legislature

    Assembly Rules


    Legislative Process Committee

    Room 3186 State Capitol

    Thomas M. Erwin



    March 9, 1956


    Mr. Arthur Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus


                The Rules Committee wishes to acknowledge your excellent presentation at our recent Legislators’ Orientation Conference in Sacramento.


                Numerous comments from public officials an those in attendance indicate that the Conference was highly successful in every respect, your participation helped us to achieve much more than we had even anticipated in this our first such conference in California and we are deeply grateful to you.


                The conference proceedings have been published in a bound document which we are such will have wide distribution and prove valuable to many persons.


                Again, please accept our thanks and best wishes.



                                                                                        Thomas M. Erwin



  185. Ohnimus letter to International Roll Call re: voting system and the U.N. (February 18, 1964)

    February 18, 1964


    Mr. Marshall F. Thompson

    International Roll Cal l Corporation

    3114 W. Marshall Street

    Richmond 30, Virginia


    Dear Mr. Thompson:


                In your letter of February 14 you asked me to send a telegram to David B. Vaughan, Director of General Services of the United Nations in New York telling them that California has used the International Roll Call equipment and recommends it to the United Nations.


                I resigned as Chief Clerk of the Assembly in November of 1963. However, I have presented your letter to Mr. Steven E. Smith, Chief Administrator, for his attention.


                                                                                                    Very truly yours,

                                                                                                    Arthur A. Ohnimus



  186. International Roll Call, Marshall Thompson to Ohnimus re: CAO Steven E. Smith, letter of recommendation for the United Nations (February 22, 1964)

    Legislative Roll-Call and Sound Systems


    International Roll-call Corporation

    3114 W. Marshall Street

    Richmond 30, Virginia


    February 22, 1964.


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    1100 N. Street, Lewis Apts.,

    Sacramento, California, 95814


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                I wish to thank you very sincerely for your letter of February 18, advising you had turned over to Mr. Steven E. Smith, Chief Administrator, our letter to you of February 14th, asking for a letter of recommendations, or telegram to be more specific, to be sent to Mr. Vaughan, of United Nations.


                We have not heard whether Mr. Smith sent it or not.


                We did however receive a telephone call late yesterday from UN saying they would contact us Tuesday about an appointment to discuss renting our equipment. We will let you know how we make out, and again express our appreciation.



                                                    International Roll Call Corporation

                                                    Marshall F. Thompson.


    MFT. ls.

  187. Ohnimus to Everett Burkhalter, U.S. House, re: voting machines (May 18, 1964)

    May 18, 1964


    Honorable Everett G. Burkhalter

    House of Representatives

    Washington, D.C. 20515


    Dear Everett:

                Your letter, addressed to me at the State Capitol, reached me at  my home address yesterday, which accounts for the delay in my not sooner answering your good letter.

                You ask the amount of time required to take a roll call on the California automatic voting machine.

                An uncontested roll call without the calling of the absentees could probably be taken in about twenty seconds. The ordinary roll call takes about forty-five seconds to a minute and a half. Contested roll calls with members changing their votes will take much longer, probably two minutes.

                One of the greatest advantages in the electric roll call systems is the order that is maintained during the taking of the roll call.

                There is also a high degree of accuracy, and duplicate roll calls may be made simultaneously with the taking of the roll call.

                The Assembly roll call has been working satisfactorily for approximately twenty years. I am sure, if given the opportunity, the Members of the Assembly would never return to the oral roll call.

                Trusting this is the information you desire, and with best and kindest wishes,

                                                                                                    Cordially yours,

                                                                                                    Arthur A. Ohnimus       

  188. Congressman Everett Burkhalter to Ohnimus re: electric voting (May 7, 1964)

    California of the United States

    House of Representatives

    Washington D.C.


    May 7, 1964


    Mr. Arthur S. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California State Assembly

     3165 State Capitol

    Sacramento 14, California


    Dear Arthur:


    I would like for you to provide me with some information.


    Please let me know the amount of time required to take a roll call on the automatic voting machines.




                                                                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                    Everett G. Burkhalter

                                                                                                    Member of Congress



  189. Letter of recommendation from Assembly Speaker Henry Wright (November 28, 1922)

    California Legislature

    Forty-Fourth Session



    Los Angeles, Cal.,

    Nov 28, 1922


    To Whom It May Concern:


                I take very great pleasure in testifying to the splendid and efficient services rendered by Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus during the Forty-third Session of the California Legislature as Assistant Minute Clerk of the Assembly and during the Forty-fourth Session as Minute Clerk.


                As Speaker of the Assembly during these two sessions, I had occasion to closely observe his able handling of that most difficult position, and as Speaker I came to rely on this record of the progress of legislation. I am pleased to add that at no time was the correctness of the minutes of the house successfully challenged.




                                                                                        Henry W. Wright

                                                            Speaker of the Forty-third and Forty-Forth Session

  190. Assembly Speaker Frank Merriam letter of recommendation for Ohnimus (December 15, 1926)

    Frank F. Merriam  Speaker                                                                                          

    Home Address

    P.O. Box 314

    Long Beach, Cal.




    California Legislature

    Forty-Sixth Session


                                                                December 15th, 1926

    To Whom It May Concern:

                            Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus served most acceptably as Chief Clerk for the California Assembly during the Forty-fifth and Forty-Sixth Sessions, and it is a pleasure to commend him and his work.

                As Speaker of the Assembly during these two Sessions, I had occasion to observe his work and t know intimately of his service. He was industrious, always having his work well in hand, thoroughly acquainted with the details of his office, most helpful and willing at all times. I am glad to set forth these facts in the hope that they may be beneficial to a loyal public servant.

                                                                                        Very sincerely,

                                                                                        Frank F. Merriam

                                                                                        Speaker of the Assembly

  191. Assemblyman Isaac Jones to Ohnimus re: Chief Clerk position (November 9, 1926)

    Isaac Jones


    Ontario, California


    November 9, 1926


    Mr. Arthur O. Ohnimus

    717 Anza Street

    San Francisco, California.


    My dear Arthur:

                Yours of November 6th received. The only question that would occur to me in the selection of Chief Clerk of the Assembly for the coming session would be a question of efficiency and industry. I think you possess both of those qualifications to an unusual degree and I have no thought of any other individual as Chief Clerk of the Assembly for the session for 1927, if you desire the position.

                It might be of interest to you to know that both T. M. Wright, Mr. Coombs, and myself for a moment discussed your case at the special session. Mr. Coombs suggested, and we agreed with that suggestion, that we had forgotten the past as far as the Chief Clerk was concerned and that we knew nothing that would prevent us from giving you very earnest consideration if you sought the position in the future.

                You realize, of course, Arthur, that the duty of a member of the Assembly is to make the best possible selection; the duty that is not always performed, I grant you, for the various positions. I would not like to say at the present time that I would be for you without regard to who may seek the position of Chief Clerk, but I will say frankly that I know no reason at this time why you may not expect my vote for the position of Chief Clerk when the Assembly organizes. I would have to be convinced that a person contesting with you for the position possessed superior ability than you possess and greater inclination to serve.

                I hope this will convey to you something of the esteem in which I hold you and will give to you something of an expression of my opinion as to your candidacy for re-election.

                                                                                        Very sincerely yours,

                                                                                        Isaac Jones



  192. Assemblyman Harry Sewell to Ohnimus (August 29, 1929)

    Harry F. Sewell

    Member of Assembly Sixty-Eighth District


    California Legislature



    August 29, 1929




    Dear Arthur A. Ohnimus

    District Attorney’s Office

    333 Kearny Street,

    San Francisco, California.


    Dear Arthur:


                I have just received the hand embossed resolution adopted at the last session and also your kind letter relating to the same.


                The resolution is the most handsome piece of work that I have ever seen and believe me, Arthur, I am truly grateful to you for it.


                It has been a real pleasure to serve in the Assembly with you and your help and cooperation has lightened many a responsibility, for all of which I wish to express my thanks.


                If I can ever be of service to you, you need only to call upon me.


                With kindest personal regards and best wishes, I am


                                                                                        Sincerely yours,


                                                                                        Harry F. Sewell



  193. Assemblyman Isaac Jones to Ohnimus re: Chief Clerk candidacy (December 8, 1930)

    Isaac Jones

    Member of Assembly Fifty-Seventh District


    California Legislature



    Forty-Eighth Session

    Nineteen Twenty-Nine


    Dec. 8, 1930


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    717 Anza St.,

    San Francisco, California.


    My dear Arthur:

                Yours of recent date received, and I am unable to locate it just at the present moment, but wish to assure you if you desire to return as Chief Clerk of the Assembly I know of no reason why I cannot support your candidacy.

                I know of no person who might seek the position who would have a preference over yourself as far as I am concerned. The performance of your duty in that position has been most satisfactory to me. I think you have conformed to your oath of office and am glad to assure you of my support if you desire again to occupy position of Chief Clerk.

                                                                                        Very truly yours,

                                                                                        Isaac Jones



  194. Assemblyman Hubert Scudder, regarding Chief clerk candidacy (November 27, 1936)

    Hubert B. Scudder


    California Legislature



    Fifty-First Session

    Nineteen Thirty-five


    Sebastopol, California

    November 27th, 1936


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    550 Montgomery St.,

    San Francisco, Calif.


    Dear Friend Arthur: --

                Pardon the lateness of my reply to your letter of Nov. 9th.

                I assure you I shall be more than happy to support your candidacy for Chief Clerk of the Assembly again this year. I have already spoken to several of the members and expect to be in Los Angeles next week and contact several there. I believe that any Speaker, regardless of who he might be, can ill afford to be without your services at the Desk.

                 Assuring you of my hearty support in your behalf, and with kindest regards, I am,

                                                               Yours very truly,

                                                               Hubert Scudder



  195. Assemblywoman-elect Jeanette Daley, regarding Ohnimus as Chief Clerk (December 1, 1936)

    For the New Deal in Sacramento

    vote for


    Jeanette E. Daley

    Democratic Candidate



    78th Assembly District

    4231 Witherby

    San Diego, California


    4430 Boundary St.,

    Dec 1, 1935


    Honorable Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    550 Montgomery St.,

    San Francisco, Calif.,


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                Yours of Nov. 27th just received and contents noted. I feel sure you are exceptionally well qualified for the position which you are seeking, however I am not committing myself to vote for any particular candidate at this time but will give your candidacy serious thought and so far have not heard from anyone else seeking this office.


                Looking forward to seeing you on the 4th. Of January, I am


                                                                                        Yours sincerely,

                                                                                        Jeannette E. Daley

                                                                                        Assemblymen Elect

                                                                                        78th District

  196. Assemblyman Michael Burns, Bay Bridge opening, Ohnimus candidacy as Chief Clerk (humorous) (November 13, 1936)

    Michael J. Burns


    California Legislature


    Fifty-First Session

    Nineteen Thirty-Five


    Eureka, November 13, 1936


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    550 Montgomery St.

    San Francisco.


    Dear Arthur:

    You were in the Legislature before me and there is no reason why you shouldn’t be there when I’m forgotten, by all means I’ll be happy to support you for Chief Clerk, the place would be lost without you.

    I suppose you are celebrating the opening of the Bay Bridge this week, remember s poor country yokels in your drinking, and say “here’s to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the country boys who couldn’t afford to be present.”

    Will be seeing you next January, if not sooner.

    With kind personal regards, I beg to remain,


                                                    M.J. Burns

  197. Assemblyman James E. Thorp to Ohnimus, re: Ohnimus return as Chief Clerk under Speaker Garland (December 16, 1940

    Assemblyman James E. Thorp wrote to Arthur Ohnimus on December 16, 1940. The note is difficult to read.

  198. Assemblyman Dr. Jesse Randolph Kellems re: Ohnimus reelection (November 30, 1942)

    Assembly – California Legislature

    Jesse Randolph Kellems, D.D., Ph. D.



    Westwood Hills Christian Church


    West Los Angeles, California


    Assemblyman for 60th District


    454 Cuesta Way


    Los Angeles, California


    Nov 30, 42


    Dear Arthur:


                The answer is yes – 100 percent. You are tafs.




    Jesse R. Kellems

  199. Assemblyman-elect E.J. Carey re: support for Ohnimus (humorous) (November 30, 1942)

    E. J. Carey & CO.

    Real Estate – Insurance

    4506 San Pablo Avenue

    Emeryville, California

    Phone IIUmboldt 2020



    November 30th, 1942




    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus, Chief Clerk

    Assembly Chamber, State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


                Received your letter of November 13th. You will have to take the matter of your candidacy up with my boss, Mr. Daniel Whelan, of Oakland.



                                                                                                    Yours very truly,

                                                                                                    E.J. Carey




    P.S. Pardon the kidding, Mr. Ohnimus, but Dan insisted that I write you such an answer. From what Dan tells me, you’re O.K. with me. You’ve got my vote for now.

  200. Assemblywoman-elect Kathryn Niehouse handwritten response on Ohnimus’s original letter seeking re-election (November 9, 1944)

    California Legislature



    Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk


    Sacramento 14, California

    November 9, 1944


    Honorable Kathryn T. Niehouse

    4889 Bancroft Street

    San Diego 4, California


    Dear Mrs. Niehouse:


    The election being over and the next session of the Legislature just about two months away, may I call to your attention my candidacy for re-election as Chief Clerk of the Assembly.


    As you may know, I have severed as Chief Clerk for nine sessions and had the pleasure of receiving your vote during the last session of the Assembly. May I again ask you for your support and vote for Chief Clerk.


    I would greatly appreciate hearing from you on this matter.


    With best and kindest wishes, I am


                                                                                                    Cordially yours,

                                                                                                    Arthur A. Ohnimus





    November 16

    Kathryn Niehouse response: Yes, indeed.

  201. Assemblyman Charles M. Weber, supporting Ohnimus reelection as Chief Clerk (November 18, 1944)

    Charles M. Weber

    Eleventh District



    Committee on River Navigation, Reclamation and Flood Control



    California Legislature

    Fifty-Third Session, 1939-1940


    November 18, 1944


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of the Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


                It goes without saying that you have my support for re-election as Chief Clerk.



                                                                                                                Charles M. Weber



  202. Assemblyman William Rosenthal, supporting Ohnimus reelection as Chief Clerk (November 20, 1944)

    California Legislature



    William H. Rosenthal

    Member of Assembly, Fortieth District


    November 20, 1944


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    Assembly Chamber, State Capitol

    Sacramento, Calif.


    Dear Arthur:


                It is indeed a pleasure to inform you of my desire to cast my vote again- and again- and again- for you as Chief Clerk of the Assembly.



                                                                                                    William H. Rosenthal



  203. Thomas Maloney to Ohnimus, humorous “amended letter” showing support for Ohnimus’s reelection as Chief Clerk.

    Below: Ohnimus original letter to Thomas A. Maloney



    California Legislature


    Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk


                                                                Sacramento 14, California

    November 22, 1944



    Honorable Thomas A. Maloney

    405 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco, California



    Dear Tommie:


    About 47 days from this dat3e, the 56th Session of the Legislature will convene, and as you may well assume, I would again like to be Chief Clerk of the Assembly. Therefore, may I again ask you for your support and vote for Chief Clerk. I have always had the pleasure receiving your vote in the past.


    With best and kindest wishes, I am


                                                                                        Cordially yours,

                                                                                        Arthur A. Ohnimus






    Below: Thomas made changes to the letter in reply to Ohnimus letter, showing his support.


    Arthur A. Ohnimus

    State Capital

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


    You will always have the pleasure of receiving my vote in the future.


    With best and kindest wishes, I am


                                                                Cordially yours,

                                                                Thomas A. Maloney


    Handwritten note: The above “Bill” is amended with my consent. -Tommie

  204. Assemblyman John Lyons re: Ohnimus reelection (November 9, 1944)

    John C. Lyons

    Member of Assembly, Sixty Fourth District



    California Legislature


    November 9, 1944


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk of Assembly

    Sacramento, City


    Dear Arthur:


    I have your letter of the 8th Nov, in which you state you are a candidate for Chief Clerk of the Assembly.


    You can rest assured that you will receive my vote for Chief Clerk of the Assembly.


    With kind personal regards, I remain


                                                    Sincerely yours

                                                    John Lyons

                                                    Member of Assembly 64th District

  205. Assemblyman-elect Jonathan Hollibaugh, undated (likely 1940s)

    Hollibaugh Music Store

    6430 Pacific Blvd

    Huntington Park, California


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus,

    Chief Clerk,


    550 Montgomery Street,

    San Francisco, Calif.


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:


    Your several letters received and I will answer them collectively if you have no objections.


    First I wish to thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending me the copy of the State Constitution and the small hand book.  They are very interesting and helpful to a new beginner especially.


    Second, that as far as your candidacy to succeed yourself as Chief Clerk is concerned I have made inquiries among several Assemblymen of my acquaintance and they all seem to think tht you are a regular fixture and that you could not get out of it if you tried. So not being of a nature to disturb good things of a long and lasting nature it would not behoove me to disturb such a pleasant situation.


    Third, regarding bills. At present I have none that I wish to make public so will have to await the time when it seems advisable to introduce them. Thanks for your suggestion on this matter.


    Assuring you of my desires to cooperate in every way and in everything to keep California the greatest State in the Union, I am


                                                                Sincerely yours,

                                                                Jonathan J. Hollibaugh,

                                                                Assemblyman Elect.

  206. Assemblyman-elect Albert Dekker to Ohnimus re: reelection (December 1944)

    Albert Dekker Campaign Committee

    (57th Assembly District)

    1542 N. Orange Grove Ave.

    Los Angeles 45, Calif.

    Granite 2232


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus


                Thank you for your many communications The Legislative Handbook and Book of rules, and the Copy of the California Constitution proved very useful.


                In regard to the position of Chief Clerk; it seems to me when a person has become as familiar with the duties as you are that only a unanimous reelection makes sense.


                My personal and special interest is the general welfare of the people of California and the world that surrounds it.



                                                                                        Albert Dekker

  207. Assemblyman-elect Michael J. Burns to Ohnimus re: reelection (undated)

    Dear Arthur:


                I’m with you 100% for Chief of Clerk.


                What could I do without you? I’m too used to you now.


                                                    Michael J. Burns

  208. Assemblyman-elect George Butters to Ohnimus re: Ohnimus reelection (December 4, 1944)

    U-Bar (U) Ranch

    George R. Butters


    Brawley, California


    December 4, 1944


    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Mr. Ohnimus:

                Your letter regarding the position of Chief Clerk for the 55th session of the California Legislature received. Will say that I see no reason why I cannot support your candidacy for this important office, and I extend you my best wishes for your success.

                Have received several books from you, containing legislative information, for which I thank you.

                                                                                                    Best regards,

                                                                                                    George Butters

                                                                                                    Assemblyman Elect

  209. Assemblyman Harrison Call to Ohnimus re: reelection, Chief Clerk should be civil service (December 1944)

    Assembly-California Legislature


    Harrison W. Call



    Assemblyman for 27th District

    San Mateo Country


    Law Offices

    300 Montgomery Street

    San Francisco

    Telephone: ExBrook 2171



    November 13, 1944



    Mr. Arthur A. Ohnimus

    Chief Clerk

    California Assembly

    State Capitol

    Sacramento, California


    Dear Arthur:


                In answer to your letter announcing your candidacy for reelection as Chief Clerk, I think we could both save postage in this matter in the future by here and now agreeing that as long as I am a member of the Assembly and you are a candidate for Chief Clerk, you shall always have my vote.


                As a matter of fact, I think your years of service entitle you to civil service status.


                Kindest personal regards:



                                                                Harrison W. Call

